God does not save the unlucky person, even by His marvelous grace, who does not follow Him in obedience. You don’t just waltz in, say “Okay God. Looks good”, then walk out and do your own thing. The Godman Jesus said “Follow Me”. The concept of getting saved without then obeying and following Jesus is not in the Bible.
Quick Quiz – How do you prove yourself a good neighbor?
Do you have faith, or works? Jesus tells us what is really needed from His perspective.
Are Christians to remain hog-tied and silent in the face of evil?
How do you feel when pure evil is pushed into your face – like at the Olympic gay show? How do you react? What should you do? Brad Littlejohn wrote, “A society must be able to publicly speak truth about what is good and what is evil.” Is that part of our role as His ambassadors on earth?
How a tare thinks
Jesus gave us the parable of the Wheat and the Tare. There are unrepentant “tares” all around us at church. That is what Jesus Himself taught.
Salvation in Christ is beyond huge
Christ offers us His “iron-clad” humongous type of salvation… or, on the flip-side, this article could be titled… “The limits of what God will do for sinners”.
Being 100% given-over to Jesus
Being faithful to Jesus – that is what we want, right? Being faithful – when the Rapture happens? (I really want to go on that ride!) I live for Jesus, and that is why I live with confidence. How ’bout you? Accepting Jesus- plus some other is totally rejected by Jesus. That “other gospel” faith is the road that leads to the other place, not to God’s Home Heaven.
Fight the good fight
What does it mean to “fight the good fight”? What fight are we in, as believers? Of course, if we are not truly following Christ, then it doesn’t change things one way or the other – whether we fight the good fight or not. But, for those who follow Christ sincerely, it is incumbent upon us to fight, as 1 Timothy 1:18-19 shows us.
Losing It
Our hope is always ever in Christ, never in our strength, never in our abilities, never in our own self. Always – our hope is in the One who changed us for His purposes. My salvation does not rest in me. God has me in His hands, and His hands are strong. And He will never let us go. That is why I am not afraid.