I see so many lives ending like an unfinished job, like an abandoned construction site. When on earth I’m done, I want my life to be finished well.
Into it
I am definitely “into it”. I am following Jesus with everything I can think of. Are you becoming more and more like Jesus? Un-becoming what you used to be into (Ephesians 2:3)?
Dancing with doctrines of demons
We are warned in the Bible not to fool around with the Devil and his occult practices. Are you?
The revelations of Revelation 20
The book of Revelation is chock-full with revelations from God. This is “prophetic Scripture” foretelling real events that will take place at the end of time as we know it. Specific, cataclysmic, real future events are prophetically given to us. Let’s look into this passage of Revelation 20 and see what’s coming around the corner.
One thing you lack
Jesus is inviting you to come into His Kingdom. Forever! Imagine how exotic and opulent – His Place? Is that exciting – or what!? I’m looking for that! Have you visited Jesus, like the rich young ruler, and blindly held-on to your ways in the midst of all your religiosities? It is a fearful thing to consider being rejected by a damning God. How far would you go to NOT be God-damned?
John 8:44. “If God were your Father…”
John 8:44. “If God were your Father [but He is not], you would love and recognize Me, for I came from God….”
One Human Race
We are actually all together one race. Is anyone reading the Bible – and actually trying to follow Jesus – with love for others?
Enemies of our soul
– The World, the Flesh, and the Devil. Excerpt from: An unguarded life August 22, 2018 These entities are the enemies of our soul – three (3) “forces” which are part and parcel of living on earth as humans: (1) the world, (2) the flesh, and (3) Satan. They are not going away – until […]
The well-guarded soul
The well-guarded soul will keep you following Jesus. What can you do to guard your soul?
Fighting the Good Fight
When I accepted God´s offer of salvation, God then and there forgave me and accepted me as His child. The battle is then to maintain our life holy, strong in Him. Even after becoming a child of the King, we have the option to ¨offer our body to sin¨(Romans 6) and shipwreck this life we live on earth. Once we are His, we are then to live in a manner that pleases our Jesus Christ – our Lord.