Since it is God that is offering us His salvation, why not listen to Him – instead of making up your own plan of eternal life?
Why Jesus will say to some “I don’t know you”
After that moment of passing, that moment of death, where will you finally be? There are two possible scenarios for you when you reach your final destination. You will spend eternity on one side of the great divide — or the other.
“Through dark hallways” Toby Keith was leaning on his faith
Struggling with cancer, Mr. Country Music – Toby Keith, said his faith sustained him. Who will you turn to? Jesus is my faith. How about you?
Verify Jesus. Verify, verify, verify
There is an immense amount of “Fraudulent truth” out there (as in “erroneous”). It is pervasive, threatening to inundate “real truth”. What difference does it make? Are you discerning the difference?
The Inclusive Yet Exclusive Salvation of Jesus
Did you know that God limited His grace towards us, His fallen creation? Salvation, in that sense, is not free. It will cost you – all of you. The salvation of Jesus is both inclusive and exclusive. Find out how that works.
Heaven’s Gate will soon shut and lock
How long will God wait for you — to repent? Jesus waited 1,952 years for me, and then 7 more years. Jesus saved me! I’m so glad He waited.
We know what Jesus believes. Do you agree with Him?
It was quite the mystery of the universe. Sin had destroyed the lovely Garden of Eden relationship Adam and Eve had with Creator God. So God established a “covenant of forgiveness”, a system of sacrifice whereby His followers could be forgiven.
But it was obvious that we on earth could not go on for all of eternity sacrificing lambs for the forgiveness of sins. What did God have in the works? It remained a mystery for centuries. And then, finally, according to His perfect timing, He revealed the answer.
Welcome to the show, What’s Beyond The Door! The stakes are gargantuanly humongous!
This game is all about you. The stakes are gargantuan. You play it alone. Everyone plays it – alone. What’s at stake: Here on this live show you will either gain the best eternal life you could ever dream of having — or you will loose-out forever.