What “floats your boat”? The preponderant evidence points to Jesus as God. How on earth does one deny Jesus? Well, it’s clear in the Bible what that is. Unbeliefism. Where are you at with this?
Slowly becoming less and less
Slowly you become less and less. That is what dementia does to a perfectly fine individual. The disease incrementally works away at the brain, little by little taking away hugely important capabilities of the unsuspecting victim. And so it goes for years. Nothing is suspect. Nothing important finks MirWeb: rats, gossipers to anyone that underneath […]
Taking hate to Holy Heaven? Your ways, your views?
Do you plan to take your hate, your ways, your views – to Heaven? Have you thought that through? How would that play-out, exactly?
What is more important than your eternity?
The “so-called ‘foolish” plan’ of God is far wiser” than any plan of ours, you know? Do you know God’s plan for eternity?
That moment of IF when you choose your own thinking
When you keep on blindly walking directly down the road as always, you have missed the crossroad God provided for you. Will you choose to Turn from – Turn to…Jeus? Choose wisely. Decide to follow Jesus.
Speaking with love about what is true and what is false
If we carefully read Scripture, we are sure to see horribly false teachings are rampant in many churches today. They form a NARcissistic gospel. It is incumbent upon us to warn others of the actual false teachers and their false teachings. Paul and John and Jude warned about this (2 Corinthians 11:4). Let’s examine where Jude urges us to “contend for the faith”, “fight strenuously for the faith”, defend the faith.
Issues in the public square affect our life and our faith
Issues found in the public square affect our life and our faith. Do you know what they are? What would Jesus say? I think He is saying, “…let us not love [merely in theory]… but in action and in truth…” (1 John 3:18).
Sorry I offend you by sharing my faith in Jesus
Religion only offends if it threatens physical harm or restrains your free speech. Do you not have beliefs also, like I have my faith in Jesus?
We are the odd creature, are we not?
A good habit for me in the mornings is to discuss “me” with God. It’s a cleansing thing from Psalm 139:23-24. Odd how some can go all their life with “whatever” and never strain-out the gnats.
What you think and practice as compared with what Jesus thinks
The way you think (as in your worldview, your political leaning, your personal outlook on things) shows your agreement or disagreement with Jesus, or your rejection of what Jesus taught. If you reject His teaching, then, does that mean you reject Jesus Himself?
Discrediting Jesus
Do you yourself speak harshly of Christ, choosing to reject Him? Have you read in the Bible that Jesus claimed to BE God? Jesus claimed to be the only way to God. Are you in on that?
Arguing with God
Are you seeking to know God? How’s that going for you?
The Dems of today are The New Left
Have you noticed how the Democrat party has changed over the years. Looked at their platform lately? If you historically have counted yourself a Democrat: Are you still okay with supporting the platform of that party?
Can you really see what is going on in the world?
Are you seeing what is actually going on these days? Perilous times are here. Do you know how to deal with it?
Are Christians to remain hog-tied and silent in the face of evil?
How do you feel when pure evil is pushed into your face – like at the Olympic gay show? How do you react? What should you do? Brad Littlejohn wrote, “A society must be able to publicly speak truth about what is good and what is evil.” Is that part of our role as His ambassadors on earth?
Until That Day
What is life worth to you? What is Jesus’ approval worth to you?
Acknowledge God and consider Him worth knowing
Still rejecting the Creator of all? God is real. The evidence is there. Where are you? Do you want it enough to actually investigate God?
Transgenderism as seen from the Bible
What is Transgenderism? What is Transgenderism – as seen from the Bible?
Replace simplistic rhetoric with compassion
A natural tendency is to wax and wane. Over time we can begin to be insensitive to others, and rationalize away our failures. We may be averse to honest self evaluation. We may redefine our “sin” and behavior – and negate the fact that we have actually changed.
What leads to godly living
Have you discovered what leads to godly living? Are you pursuing that?
Do you OMG all the time?
What does it mean to blaspheme? It matters nothing if you don’t care about Jesus.
The Jewish Land of Israel… since 2000 BC
If one is to truly understand the Israel – Arab land dispute of today (Nov/2023), prejudices and false information must be set aside. Accurate historical records must be examined.
What is your heart like?
What is a hard, insensitive heart? Paul describes it here in Ephesians 4.
They were not really of us
Scripture reveals that there are many fakers of faith in Christ. “They were not really of us”, John says. We must discern who these fakers are. “Don’t judge the book by the cover.” See them for what they really are: wolves in sheep’s clothing (Matthew 7:15).
The music hook of today’s apostates
Music by Bethel, Jesus Culture, Hillsong, and Elevation – hooks uninitiated church folk into false teaching churches. Beware.
Is yours a sound doctrine that Jesus will approve?
Have you examined your beliefs lately — confirmed the factual accuracy of your beliefs when compared to the Bible? Are you truly biblical? Jesus knows. Do you?
So this is what “woke” sounds like
So this is what “woke” sounds like? You think?
The Dangers of Consorting With Error
To be faithful to Christ, we cannot mix Jesus plus something. It’s like mixing water with oil. That’s a messy mix. There is contradiction and opposition between the two.The same goes for anything in life: To stay true and faithful to Jesus we absolutely must deny that which denies Christ.
Abortion blessings?
Why do so many forget about giving civil rights to children in the womb? They are just as human as you are, as I am.
Denying Jesus?
You don’t have to be an unrepentant monster like Hitler to deny Jesus. Just neglect to follow Jesus – leave Jesus’ ways a ways away. Maybe fake it, be one of the enlightened folks who say one thing but act another. Or, choose to sincerely follow Jesus.
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