Prayer is a mysterious thing, is it not? Praying: I come to God through my spirit, with my soul speaking from my mind and heart. Prayer “works” because God is gracious and forgiving. And He Himself asks us to come into His presence. The Bible says God hears and responds – to even the most vile of sinners.
Keeping Sin
The little verse of Psalm 66:18 teaches us a whole lot about God – and prayer. Just in this tiny verse we see: “If I regard wickedness in my heart, The Lord will not hear.” I am born again, and God has forgiven me of all my sins. However, on any given day or moment, if I come to Him in prayer AND am holding a sin, so to speak, or allowing a sin to have a place in my life — then, the Bible tells me: God will not give heed to what I say.
Mold me as an instrument of use
Want to be put to good use – by God? Pray like this…
Finding Perfect Peace
Are you struggling with something and finding no peace? Go to the Lord in prayer. There’s a whole lot’a stuff that can keep us struggling! Life throws curve balls. And we’re not all that perfect. We all have issues. Things can get out of balance real quickly.
Do you pray like this, not heeding Scripture?
Biblical prayer is not a decree; and we do not “curse” disease. Please don’t tell me it is based on Jesus cursing the tree! Prayers like “I decree”, “I command…”, “I curse the cancer…”, “I… command it to flee right now”, “I declare this to… dry bones”? What what WHAT! What “promise” of the Word says THAT?
Prayer in the Bible
Read about prayer in the Bible with this listing of Bible references.
Pray Biblically
What does the Bible teach us about prayer? We are taught to pray humbly to God the Father for whatever our need may be, in faith believing that He loves us like a father loves his child, and He will answer according to His will, according to what is best for us. How did Jesus […]
Wishes and Prayers
We often hear the plea for “wishes and prayers” – when someone is in dire need. It’s a natural response from a heart desperate for help for the victim. For example: Tweet by Britney Spears: Need all the wishes and prayers for my niece FoxNews: Feb. 07, 2017 – 0:45 – Britney Spears asks fans […]
Jesus Knows Your Thoughts
God is able to see into the innermost parts of your heart. He knows what you feel. He knows what you want. He knows your thoughts. Even before you speak a word — He knows what you are going to say! God hears me as I speak to him silently in my mind – in prayer.
Conversations With God
All that self-talk we all engage our minds in throughout the day? “Talk it” to God. You can direct all your self-talk to God as prayer.
Prayer of Repentance
What is a “Prayer of Repentance To Christ”? Here is an example.
Sinner’s Prayer Recall Notice
What is saving faith in Jesus? Can a prayer save you?
Urgent Recall Notice
URGENT RECALL NOTICE -Author unknown (email circulating) The Maker of all human beings (GOD) is recalling all units manufactured, regardless of make or year, due to a serious defect in the primary and central component of the heart. This is due to a malfunction in the original prototype units code named Adam and Eve, resulting […]
Pray For Your Nation
-Billy Graham’s Prayer For His Nation ‘Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, ‘Woe to those who call evil good,’ but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We […]