You look around the daily news and it becomes quite apparent to even the casual observer – that life is not all that long, and sometimes it is cut short. There are no guarantees attached to my life, or yours, and it could end at any time.
So the wise will do well to reconsider what life is all about, and be prepared for the next life. We all, rich or poor, physically fit or not… are going to meet our Maker – sooner or later. So why not be ready for that event?
Have you really taken stock of your life, and thought about your end game? Are you ready to meet God face-to-face, the real true Creator God who will judge us all in the end? Or are you on the road to hell?
Not preparing for the next life is like…
- going down a deserted highway without knowing how much gas you have in your tank
- walking aimlessly into a gang-infested neighborhood
- jumping out of a plane without a parachute
Where are you in your end-game preparation? Thought about God lately?
The Bible says that we should evaluate ourselves, and make sure we are right with God. There is an eternity ahead of us, and what we choose now determines where we end up then.
I am absolutely, indefatigably, always totally astounded by how any person can go through their life on earth without any forethought or attention given to the life to come. Beyond these 8o or so years we have, maybe 110 at most… on this earth – there is an eternity of life to come! How stupididiotic can one be!
What wasted effort, to put all our attentions on this short life, and not prepare for the eternity to come. The Bible puts it this way: (also in Psalm 53:1)
Psalm 14:1
The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds, there is none who does good.
I hope you are not a fool! Imagine being evaluated as this, after all your life is lived! Paraphrased with my own words, the dictionary says:
A fool is a person lacking in judgment, an idiot, dummy; clown; court jester, ass, asshead, *damfool, donkey, doodle, idiot, imbecile, jackass, jerk, madman, mooncalf, nincom, nincompoop, ninny, ninnyhammer, poop, schmo, schmuck, tomfool; blockhead, dimwit, dope, dumbbell, dummy, nitwit, numskull, pinhead; birdbrain, featherbrain, featherhead, rattlebrain, scatterbrain; goose, silly.
A fool is one who fools away his life. He uses his life to waste, blow, blunder (away), consume, dissipate, fritter, frivol away, squander, throw away, trifle (away).
In the eternal scheme of God’s eternity, the fool who says there is no God – is a loser, saphead, cretin, feeb, half-wit, idiot, imbecile, moron, natural, simpleton, softhead, underwit, buffoon. [Words taken from Wikipedia® and Babylon]
Are you a moron? …a nincompoop? …a ninny? a birdbrain? Think about it: are you frittering away the great fortune of having a life on earth, only to loose it all and not have anything good at all in the life to come? That is the choice before us all: What will you do with Jesus?
What on earth are you doing with your life? What worth will there be of it when standing before God on That Day? I think it behooves us to REALLY think about what God has communicated to us in the Bible – and follow Him today.
Life is not all that long, and sometimes it is cut short. Have you really taken stock of your life, and thought about your end game? Are you ready to meet God face-to-face?
Why Believe Such Stupididiotic Things?!
There is a broad road that says heaven but goes to hell
Want it – to know it… God’s message to us