All the religions of the world are the works of Satan, who is alive and well on planet earth. He has been allowed by God to roam the earth.
Only Jesus can save. But the great Deceiver, Satan, has pushed religion on mankind. Satan created all the religions in order to lure people away from the Truth. The great reality is that there are only two camps:
According to Jesus, there are two camps in the world. Not oodles. Not one, but two camps (John 3:16-19):
Camp one, is the camp already condemned (v.18b).
Camp two is the camp “who believes in Him” (v.16 + v.18a). Simple.
1. he who does not believe has been judged already; shall perish.
2. whoever does believe in Him shall not perish; “is not condemned”
– See: Writing About Religion
Faith in Christ to save you – is not a religion. It is a personal relationship with God. Following Christ is the norm that God wants for us — in order to be ready for the next life.
Think about it. Do you want to follow Creator God, or do you want to incur His Almighty Just and Legal Wrath on That Day of Judgement?
Think about it. Do you want to end up on the other side of life, and find out, there, that you were living a worthless life? All that you have, all that you have gained, all that you can do, all that you have done and accomplished —- will be worthless when you come before Creator God. All the fun, the fame, the power, the toys, the money… gone once this life is over.
If you have not received the pardon of salvation through Jesus Christ, then there is only judgement to come. God, ¨Judge of ALL That Is and Is To Come¨… will in That Day pass sentence on you, ¨Condemned¨, forever.
What are you thinking? To reject Christ here, is to choose to live eternity without Him. Forever damned, forever without hope, forever without any blessing of God – all because you choose, here, to reject Christ. What kind of thinking is that!
I am a careful thinker, a person who looks seriously at what is written in the Bible. I have carefully considered the validity of these Scriptures. I have examined the record. I have looked at the evidences for the truth of the Bible, the truth of the gospel of Christ. Have you?
What kind of person goes all the way through his/her life without being damn sure he/she has thoroughly checked-out the claims of Christ? What the..?! Who would choose that?! 1
Are you that kind of person? Or have you really, sincerely researched what Christ claims in the Bible? It´s all there. Nothing there is hidden from you to be able to see that Jesus is for real. He is really who He claimed to be. No doubt in my mind.
What about in yours? You sure? Have you really checked-it-out? Or are you going to arrive before the Judge on That Day …unprepared, lackadaisical? (Babylon dictionary: incurious, indifferent, unconcerned; faineant, indolent, lazy, slothful; idle, passive; emasculated; bum, dolittle, do-nothing, idler, lazybones, loafer, slouch, slug, slugabed).
It´s bad enough to just be a slouch, but, to pay for it for eternity? You will get what you chose, but, is that really what you want?
Losing-out on the provision of redemption in Christ, missing-out on His free grace of forgiveness, and landing in Hell, is like —
- dying of thirst 30 feet from an oasis of fountains and pools of water
- seeing the light of the lighthouse through the storm and not heeding it
- so, so unnecessary
- so, so stupid.
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and
purify your hearts, you double-minded.
– James 4:8
Have you been an honest seeker? Have you rejected Christ?
So, is this what you want to be?
- a rebel
- a free thinker
- whatever the hell you want to be
- free of anyone telling you how to live
- enslaved to your church dogma
- a slouch who doesn’t care enough to look into the claims of Christ
- totally deceived by atheist scientists
- totally deceived by empty religion?
- totally given-over to your sins
- soaked in sin and following your depraved mind
Not me. Standing before Almighty Creator God of All There Is, I want to hear Him say to me,
“Well done, my good and faithful servant.” – Matthew 25:21 NASB
His master said to him, Well done, you upright (honorable, admirable) and faithful servant! You have been faithful and trustworthy over a little; I will put you in charge of much. Enter into and share the joy (the delight, the blessedness) which your master enjoys. —Matthew 25:21 AMPC (Amplified Bible, Classic Edition)
Other Translations of Matthew 25:21
All the religions of the world are the works of Satan. He is alive and well on planet earth. He has been allowed by God to roam the earth. Only Jesus can save. But the great Deceiver, Satan, has pushed religion on mankind. Think about it. Do you want to end up on the other side of life, and find out, there, that you were living a worthless life?
About Satan… a series on our enemy
I’m not what he says I am… Satan is the big accuser
False Prophets... Satan can perform lying signs and wonders: Exodus 7:11; 8:17-19; 2 Thessalonians 2:9, 11, 12; Revelation 13:13, 14
Calling out false teachers …”3 But I am afraid that, even as the serpent beguiled Eve by his cunning, your minds may be corrupted and led away from the simplicity of [your sincere and] pure devotion to Christ.” – 2 Corinthians 11:3-5
GOD vs. SCIENCE “Evil does not exist sir, or at least it does not exist unto itself. Evil is simply the absence of God….”
Leopold, Loeb, and Luigi | by – a senior writer for WORLD Magazine | World – wng.org | …The “crime of the century” asked the question of every century: Are humans morally accountable? | Excerpt:
Are men free or determined? Can we choose or are we hapless products of millions of years of mutations or psychological forces beyond our control? When a man is “taken captive” by the devil to do his will (2 Timothy 2:26), is not that captivity preceded by a thousand thousand micro-choices in the interplay of God’s pursuing and that man’s rejecting of His pursuit?
The “God is dead” culture has only metastasized in the century since then. We are back to the dark days of Wild West morality summed up in Judges 17:6 and 21:25: “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”
Scripture says, “God commands all people everywhere to repent” (Acts 17:30). That implies that all people are able to repent. God is not perverse, to issue a command and then withhold the ability to obey it. “Turn away from evil and do good,” says the Lord (Psalm 34:14), who is always pursuing and who takes no pleasure in the perishing of anyone (2 Peter 3:9).
- See: Leopold, Loeb, and Luigi | by – a senior writer for WORLD Magazine | World – wng.org | …The “crime of the century” asked the question of every century: Are humans morally accountable? | Excerpt:
Are men free or determined? Can we choose or are we hapless products of millions of years of mutations or psychological forces beyond our control? When a man is “taken captive” by the devil to do his will (2 Timothy 2:26), is not that captivity preceded by a thousand thousand micro-choices in the interplay of God’s pursuing and that man’s rejecting of His pursuit?The “God is dead” culture has only metastasized in the century since then. We are back to the dark days of Wild West morality summed up in Judges 17:6 and 21:25: “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”
Scripture says, “God commands all people everywhere to repent” (Acts 17:30). That implies that all people are able to repent. God is not perverse, to issue a command and then withhold the ability to obey it. “Turn away from evil and do good,” says the Lord (Psalm 34:14), who is always pursuing and who takes no pleasure in the perishing of anyone (2 Peter 3:9).