So, let me get this straight: You choose an irrational faith not supported by evidences – over a rational faith in Jesus who died on a cross to pay our punishment for sin? Where are your evidences for your “faith”?
“It seems to me positively irrational
to prefer death, futility, and destruction…
to life, meaningfulness, and happiness.
As Pascal said, We have nothing to lose and infinity to gain.”
– William Lane Craig
Is yours an irrational faith not at all supported by evidences? Or do you have a firm, rational faith in Jesus the Godman, supplied with proofs and amazing evidences?
Is yours an irrational faith not at all supported by evidences? Or do you have a firm, rational faith in Jesus the Godman, supplied with proofs and amazing evidences?
Evidences showing us that Jesus is Messiah
About Evidences for Faith in Jesus
What knowing the Bible does for you
What happens when you do not know what the Bible says on a matter
What you think and practice as compared with what Jesus thinks
Can you really see what is going on in the world?
The Godman Jesus Said “Follow Me”
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