The philosophies of man, are man’s. They don’t reach God. God is totally too awesome for mere man.
God’s way, is His way. He is far too huge to be messed with by you, or me.
We can not reach God on our own. But God, for some unfathomable reason, reached down from His heavens, and made a way for us to reach Him. Jesus left His lofty realm to become a common man, reaching into our world through birth as a baby. By this, He provided a way to bridge the vast chasm that separates mankind from Holy God.
God is so very very holy. Way holy. Without fault, without flaw – He is perfect. His standards are beyond our capability to think of. Unreachable by us. His holiness is supreme. Our sinfulness cannot be tolerated in His presence. But,
God, provided a way –
within His legal system,
to give us a legal pardon.
If we accept His pardon,
He promises
to change our status in His courts,
change us into brand new creatures,
allow us to enter into His Kingdom.
That’s it. That is the plan of God for the ages (in my feeble words). All of this has been communicated to us by God – through His prophets, and written in books down through the centuries, and is now in the form of a book called the Bible. I suggest starting with John 1. Read it.
Discover God’s Word to man. Find out what God has done in history. Don’t get left behind in the ages to come after this short stint on earth.
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty
Entrance Granted into the Eternal
Patterns of Evidence -2 hour movie presentation from the site: www.rightnow.org
Heaven. What it’s going to be like?
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