I am amazed by people unafraid of hell! How? The fear of God should draw us all to Him.
Not afraid of hell…
but I’m afraid of snakes
but I’m afraid of dying
but I’m afraid of getting hurt
but I’m afraid of being stupid
but I’m afraid of getting into a car accident
but I’m afraid of gangs
but I’m afraid of getting beat to hell
but I’m afraid of cancer
but I’m afraid of my ex…
All of those are NOTHING compared with living forever without God’s goodness…
forever without anything good (since all good comes from God)
forever without love (since God is love)
forever without comfort (since hell is eternal anguish)
forever without relief from pain (since hell is like an inextinguishable fire)
forever without peace (since peace is found in Jesus)
forever without forgiveness (since this earth is our last chance to accept His forgiveness)
“…Do you not even fear God…” –Luke 23:verse 40
The thought of hell should scare the hell out of you! Turn to Jesus. Only Jesus saves.
Note: Hell is not just… where we (those there) sit in a lake of fire burning up forever. It is described with all these words (not just fire):
outer darkness,
pits of darkness,
eternal punishment,
lake of fire,
unquenchable fire.
– Reference: Hell in the Bible.
Who In Hell Do You Think You Are?
Right on the edge of trusting Him forever
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