Every waking moment
every day anywhere
my mind is on
my heart stays open
my soul is listening
my inner voice speaks
and God is there and speaks to me
every day anywhere I go
God is there He hears He listens
never gone never rushed
with endless patience
loves me always
even when I go astray
and when I do in many ways
He never ever leaves me
I’m forever not condemned
for He gave me life eternal now
God is there
yielding I repent and take His grace extended
now I’m His forever never to be lost again
I’m saved yet yield anew afresh each time I sin
I turn and turn again again from what He loathes
I loath my sin but love that He forgives me
I accepted Him and took His grace extended
what peace and joy now fill my soul
He hears the sparrow fall
Not content with 99
He searched me out and saved me
Kind Shepherd saves the stray
He sees and cares He died for me
His angels guard, they keep me
Some day I’ll fly away to Glory
Oh what a day that will be
Blessed day to finally be in Bliss
His will inserted history
and words for all to read and know
When with willing heart I read His words
I know and understand Him more and more
In power He will guide His ageless plan ahead
yet lovingly He’s active in this speck of life called me
He’s forming me to be and be and be all for Him alone
I go with Him and He’s with me
every waking moment
every day anywhere
what confidence and sureness
He has me firm in Shepherd’s grasp of grace
I fear no one no thing
for who or what can take me from His love
I’ll go with joy to meet Him when He calls
There is no other God like this One:
Holy Father, Holy Son and Holy Spirit
He has chosen me
and I have chosen Him to follow
every waking moment
every day anywhere
my mind is on
my heart stays open
my soul is listening
my inner voice speaks
and God is there and speaks to me
every day anywhere I go
Abba Father’s power is in me
Holy Spirit never leaves
Jesus made me His
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