…the worthless prayers of fake “people of faith” – “Fake Christians“
Oh how easily some say “that’s true” – what mere men may say, but so so flippantly put His Message down – what God Himself did say. False, fake and beguiled, they listen to some staged suit, up in lights, so convincing there on stage or internet, beguiling, handsome… but oh so wrong, oh so not what God already wrote so long ago for us to know for sure.
Fakers prefer the false: “wanting to have their ears tickled… they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires” (2 Timothy 4:3). The false is said so flashily, so new. They reject what, over time, God provided in His Word. How on earth!? …to accept as true the plainly phony fickle words of empty suits.
Unyielding willful soul, stubborn in your favorite sins, you make of yourself your own little god. Like the Roman guards at Jesus’ crucifixion you spit at Jesus (Mark 10:34), God over all. Like the Thief on the Cross, you curse at Him (Luke 23:39-43). Oh how He loves you (John 3:16-17). Oh how He loves even me. Turn to Him; bare your soul; ask Him to reveal Himself to You through His Word. But be sincere. Speak truth.
If I regard iniquity [wickedness] in my heart,
the Lord will not hear me…
–Psalm 66:18 King James Version (KJV)
Don’t put up a false pretense, so you can glibly not commit to Him, false expectations of what your preconceived god, The Genie, must do to prove to YOU He is alive. God is no genie. He already proved He is God – enough for us to have faith in Him. So take Jesus at His Word. Don’t be satisfied within some phony, stupididiotic way you dreamed up for you to stay as god yourself.
Approach Creator God in honesty and seriousness. Admit you are lost and needing Him to rescue your sick damned soul. We all were some dumbass lamb astray. You are caught-up in a thicket of thorns. Only Jesus is The Good Shepherd (Psalm 23; John 10:11; John 10:14), and He wants to save you.
We are all born little knuckelheads! Remember that little kid who thought he knew everything? (I remember me! Is that kid still you?) Who do you think you are, my friend? You, you little knucklehead you – you really think you can out-think Almighty God of the Ages, Creator God who made all things, including your little head?
It behooves us all to listen to His Message. With Jesus’ death, a new Covenant was established by God. We no longer make blood sacrifices on altars, which actually symbolically looked to the day of Jesus and His sacrifice as the Perfect Lamb of God.
His was a once-for-all sacrifice, sufficient in God’s Courts to forgive anyone, forever. We now can come to Him in simple prayer, in sincerity and truth, and find forgiveness by God. Or not.
You arose in power victorious, Lord,
now new precedent all set (Luke 22:20)
– in the Courts of Heaven You declare us
“free and clear” (Romans 8:1),
now not condemned,
now set free forever —
by the blood of Your perfect sacrifice
bled-out on behalf of all.
Do these replies actually go anywhere?