-excerpt from the article What God Did for Man
Become un-saved again for any reason?
* So, if God already forgave me in that moment in time
— is He or any power going to un-forgive me for any reason?
* So, if the condemnation of God over me was already removed
— is He going to re-condemn me for any reason?
* So, if God, the Great Judge, has already declared me perfect in His sight
— is He going to un-declare His former decision for any reason?
* So, if God promised me eternal life if I would sincerely repent and turn to follow Him
— is He then going to renege and take back that promise for any reason?
* So, if I am now living the eternal life with Him He promised me
— is God going to take everlasting life away from me for any reason?
* So, if God created me a brand new creation in His sight
— is God going to suddenly make me the fallen creation again for any reason?
* So, if God adopted me as His child
— is God going to un-adopt me for any reason?
* So, if God infilled me by His Holy Spirit, thus sealing my salvation by making my body His temple
— is God going to leave me and break His seal, His promise, for any reason?
* So, if God promised that nothing would ever be able to take me away from Himself
— is God going to renege on His promise and allow some sin to remove me, for any reason?
The Bible answers – Hell no! Heaven yes! “Nothing can separate us….” Nothing is: nothing. There is no reason at all to fear losing our salvation once we have sincerely repented and followed Jesus. Nothing can separate me from the love of God: Romans 8:35-39.
My salvation relies on a faithful God, not on my human strength. “It is He that has saved us.”
renege and take back,
make me fallen again,
un-fill me,
un-seal me,
leave me,
…He Himself lose to sin? Not possible, because God is unchanging and keeps His word.
Synopsis of Romans 8:35-39: (Read the entire chapter for more depth.)
“Who shall ever separate us from the love of Christ?
… in all these things we are more than conquerors
… neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities,
… nor things present and threatening,
… nor things to come,
… nor powers, 39 nor height, nor depth,
… nor any other created thing,
will be able to separate us from the [unlimited] love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Ephesians 2:5
“even when we were [spiritually] dead
and separated from Him
because of our sins,
He made us [spiritually] alive
together with Christ
(for by His grace
—His undeserved favor and mercy
—you have been saved
from God’s judgment).“
Christ secured our eternal home
You cannot lose what God keeps secured for us
Promises God makes about your salvation
How you can know you are a Christian
The Security of the True Believer
What God secures – You cannot “lose”
The Overcoming Faith of Christ Followers
You Can Never Lose Your Salvation, and Here’s Why! | by Andrew Farley | crosswalk.com; | Author of The Grace Message, and The Perfect You: God’s Invitation to Live from the Heart
Excerpt: How can we be certain that Paul was not speaking to believers who had lost their salvation? Notice the contrast between “you” and “we” in the passage:
4 You have been severed from Christ,
you who are seeking to be justified
by the Law;
you have fallen from grace.
5 For we,
through the Spirit,
by faith, are waiting
for the hope of righteousness.
– Galatians 5:4-5 NASB
Galatians 5:22-23 | Philippians 1:21-30 | Hebrews 6:13
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