“Now” is good – so immediate… so absorbing. Demands so much attention. I practice being here – now. That’s good.
Heaven is so…”later”, so not-pressing, so very “out of sight – out of mind”, so abstract. I am here now, but I want to be more aware of where I am going when I die. Where are you going when you die?
My faith is strong in the promise of Jesus where He said: “I go to prepare a place for you…that where I am, there you may be also….” But, living with eternity’s values in view — well, that is quite another thing. I do not actually daily practice that part of my worldview. Not so much.
I tend to just take one day at a time, “my nose to the grindstone”, plotting along. I like it here. I do. Looking forward to eternal bliss just isn’t on my radar, much. I do look forward to being with Creator God who made all things good. But, it’s not vivid, not a real thing in my mindset – yet. Not so much.
My eternal quotient is not very high. I’d like to change that, make my way of being — more with eternity’s values in view. How about you?
Heaven is why I don’t worry about death. Death will usher me into that realm where only Christ will rule: no more Devil, no more failing human nature, no more broken, evil world.
Heaven has no room for failing, no illusions, no deceit. Can’t be found, there. Heaven is where all is real and perfect, good without a strain of disappointment – only good, with not a worry, not a fret. No one ever fails us there. There’s only truth and kindness, love and warm affection.
My best day here – it’s not even on the graph of heaven’s pleasure chart. Nothing here comes even close to how much better “good” will be, and be forever – there. Always high – up on that chart. Always constant. No bad days.
Now is so conditioned on factors beyond my control, things that bend my will and ruin outcomes planned. But not in heaven. There all is 100%. All is totally unaffected, purely good, purely pure. Godly.
Freedom is not so very free at all – in the here and now. Time is short, with too many restrictions, anomalies, preset limitations to what I really would prefer. Too busy, too financially limited, and health is so whimsical and unpredictable. What we really really want is always just beyond our puny grasp, the future fades like vapor’s mist – with less and less ahead of us.
All around is fueled by petty self and madness, unreasoned lust and anger, indifference and such mindless hate… so self absorbed that love is scarce, and when there is some — often shows up late and empty-handed. We fake, puny humans in these failing minds and bodies fail each other, are so harsh, quite contrary, very very less than what we could be for each other.
Heaven’s freedom will be truly free. No restrictions but love restrictions, only love. No more sorrow, no more pain, no more victims no more strain. All we see and all we do – is only good, no bad at all. No regrets, no sins, no weakness. Boundless energy, “can do” thoughts so pure and godly. All we be and may construe — is with a mind like Christ.
I’m better here and now when heaven’s on my mind, when in my heart it’s heaven where my home is. “I’m just a’ passing through” – but I’m doing my best while here.
Like some ancient golfer, I’m still swinging for a better score here and now. I’m still pushing for a better best day here. I’ll not sit tight. I’ll be content, but not complacent. I’ll be more and more like Christ each day. I’m still workin’ at it.
2 Timothy 2:15
Be diligent
to present yourself
approved to God
as a workman
who does not need to be ashamed,
accurately handling
the word of truth.
“Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.”
“But godliness actually is a means of great gain when accompanied by contentment.”
Being faithful, little by little
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