Jesus warned us of “perilous times” to come, and now they are here. Jesus wanted us to remember this warning when we reached today’s signs of the “end times”. They are here folks.
4 I have told you these things [now],
so that when their time comes,
you will remember
that I told you about them….
– John 16:4
Those “perilous times” are here.
Today and tomorrow we must turn to God in the midst of these very clear and present dangerous times – which we were born to live in. The inner perfect peace we desire can only be ours by daily calling to Jesus. He is our peace if we place our faith in Him.
Jesus said,
33 I have told you these things,
so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace.
In the world you have tribulation
and distress and suffering,
but be courageous
[be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy];
I have overcome the world.”
[My conquest is accomplished,
My victory abiding.]
– John 16: verse 33
We are seeing evil grow and intensify, as the Bible predicted long ago about these times that are upon us. In the past, evil was not able to get as evil as we see it happening now, because now we have technology amplifying the capabilities of evil.
The advent of telephones, TV, cell phones, internet, accessible almost anyplace on the globe — has intensified evil. (Nothing wrong with hi tech, but….) Technologies are putting a blow torch to the fires of evil! The world’s evil quotient is increasing rapidly, just as Jesus predicted. The fires of evil are flaring out of control, fanned by evil agendas spawned by Satan.
I can now sit anywhere I want, in private, and watch evil portrayed before my eyes, and do evil myself. Today Internet accessibility enables me to do so much more than “years gone by”. It’s on my flat screen TV, on my personal cell phone, on my personal computer, on my own laptop computer, on my slick ePad, (and if I had one) on my wrist with my smart watch…. It’s everywhere at the click of a button. My choice.
Technologies are
putting a blow torch to the fires of evil!
I can now, but I will not:
- I can now visit a shaman, meet-up with a witch, consult a medium – from the comfort of my own living room, online.
- I can now participate in sex vicariously with online porn, and nobody knows.
- I can now troll for young nubile girls online and then go hook-up privately in person.
- I can now call-up an escort service, by cell phone or by internet, anytime, night or day.
- I can now hook-up online with any evil group and meet them for a quick looting, or a long-drawn-out riot.
The list goes on and on and on… the evil draws me, tugs at my puppet strings, sings it’s siren song all day, all night long. I am tempted to produce bad fruit. Imagine what this is doing with those who have not bowed the knee to Jesus!
I am victorious over these influences because I keep my eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my faith (Hebrews 12:2). He is “the One who brings our faith to maturity”.
He is producing His good fruit in my life. Sin is ever there, but I don’t let it take control.
The world is being ripened, so to speak. God controls the times. And the times of the end are near, ready for God’s plan to come into fruition. The signs of His return are plain to see. They are happening to warn us, harbingers of imminent events on our horizon. – Source: Jesus Returns to Earth – Twice in the End Times
Today’s “perilous times” right out of prophecy
When I find myself in times of trouble
When we face difficult times in our life
Jesus Returns to Earth – Twice in the End Times
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