Seeing clearly now in these End Times is so very difficult. Misinformation floods our mind threatening to throw our thinking every which way. It is easy to get caught-up in questioning the clear teachings in the Bible. Who are we to believe?
If we have made a decisive decision to follow Christ, the way is clear, but we must stay the course. Resist deceptions. False messages threaten to overwhelm our ability to make wise decisions.
Sound doctrine, what God has made so very clear for us – gets distorted by false teachers. And the call of the wild beckons. The enemies of our soul are always camping at the gates.
13 But evil men and impostors
will go on from bad to worse,
deceiving and being deceived.
– 2 Timothy 3:13
To remain faithful to the end, we followers of Jesus must regularly examine ourselves, ask penetrating questions deep inside our insides:
- Is Jesus’ worldview [my] worldview?
- Do I have a two-timing heart?
- Do I stand for Jesus in all my ways, 100%?
- Do I know What Jesus Stands For? Or am I Concurring with the Devil?
- Am I perhaps not even “in” the faith, but merely standing on the outside looking in? —
“Jesus is the one and only gatekeeper of Heaven’s Gate. He is The One who grants entrance into the awesome Kingdom of Creator God.” -Source: Entrance Granted into the Eternal
- Am I trying other gatekeepers? They will fail you. [Hebrews 1:2; John 1:18; John 3:13; John 3:18; John 3:36; 1 Corinthians 15:27; Revelation 2:7, 11, 17]Don’t be fooled to hell by the chic, PC, want-ta-be gatekeepers who teach wishful thinking. It is all around, these days, that mamby-pamby (feeble) “all is well with any soul” any way they choose – religion. That is a false teaching. Jesus did not teach that. Spouting an “all roads lead to God” philosophy – is not what the Bible teaches.
-Source: Entrance Granted into the Eternal - Are you under – A Deluding Influence? Read: 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12
Are you about to lose it? Are you losing your soul? For what? Nothing.
Examine yourself.
Are you identified here?
Have you been outed by God?
God is asking you to repent.
Seeing clearly now in these End Times is so very difficult. Misinformation floods our mind threatening to throw our thinking every which way. Sound doctrine, what God has made so very clear for us – gets distorted by false teachers. And the call of the wild beckons. The enemies of our soul are always camping at the gates. To remain faithful to the end, we followers of Jesus must regularly examine ourselves, ask penetrating questions deep inside our insides.
Is Jesus’ worldview your worldview?
What is “sound doctrine” and what is “a different doctrine”?
Are you one of the 18 percenters?
Are you under – A Deluding Influence?
This is what you see – during a conspiracy
About Being Apostate… following “another gospel”
Being wise in a very unwise world during these End Times
Entrance Granted into the Eternal
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