Why “the end” Jesus foretold is now,
and not like the false alarms of yesteryear.
Today is different from other centuries when Christians mistakenly thought “the end times” had come. These are very different days. Jesus predicted “the end” (Matthew 24), and we are in them.
Men of old, our forefathers and canon makers of old (men who codified canon) never saw the prophecies fulfilled and the signs we are seeing. Never had them, never saw them. It was beyond their ability to know Scripture as we do now… because the events of prophecy were still future.
The prophecies of old, which the ancients merely read about — we are getting to see right in front of our eyes! Prophecies are becoming headline news – for us.
They just read the prophecies. We get to see them being fulfilled! We have new insight because of this. In the news about Israel, we have seen (with our own eyes or recent history books) 1948 (the prophecy of the fig tree came to life – Verses 32-36 of Matthew 24) and 1967 (Jerusalem was put under Israel’s control). And our folks, our grandparents, lived through it!
– Source: Forecasting prophecies as they growl and thunder over yonder!
“Jesus understood, and said, “So when you see all these things [taking place], know….” (Matthew 24:33, Mark 13:29).
“He is near,
right at the door.”
See: Luke the Physician – A Portrait
– from John Wyatt Christian Medical Fellowship
“…28 But when these things begin to take place,
straighten up and lift up your heads,
[lift up your heads [in joy],” – Amplified version]
“…because your redemption is drawing near….”
– Luke 21:28-36 – NASB version
We should be looking all around us in joy – knowing that the return of Christ Jesus is just around the corner. Jesus is coming soon.
Luke 21
is a message spoken to us in these end times days, predicting (“prophesying”) what will usher in “the end“. We are seeing exactly what Jesus predicted.
The context of this message from Jesus is: “these things” – “redemption” – “the fig tree”. Jesus Himself ties these together. Throughout Jewish history, the fig tree has been a classic figure for “the nation of Israel”. 1
Jesus prophesied,
28 But when these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”
29 And He told them a parable: “Look at the fig tree and all the trees: 30 as soon as they put forth leaves, you see for yourselves and know that summer is now near. 31 So you too, when you see these things happening, [a]recognize that the kingdom of God is near. 32 Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all things take place. – Luke 21:28-32
This article, The Budding of the Fig Tree, is full of details about the fig tree prophecy.
Israel had been set aside for 2,000 years without signs of life: no leaves, no bud, no sap, no bloom and no real fruit, total barren in man’s sight. But, even though the tree of Israel appears dead outwardly, the living root is still there. Like a dormant volcano, there is life underneath.
Many things point to the fact that the end of the age is nearing, but the dominant sign is the fact that Israel is back in her homeland, as of 1948 and back in the unified City of Jerusalem as of 1967.
However, what God will use as a date to mark off the time of a generation is not known, but the generation that sees the beginning will see the climatic ending of this present age.
– Source: The Budding of the Fig Tree | Alf & Julie Saunders; 15th December, 2010.
Luke 21:29-33
Jesus said that the budding of the fig tree would indicate that His coming is near. This is one of the signs we were told to watch for. “verse 25 “There will be signs [u I.e., confirming miracles]….”
31 So you too, when you see these things happening, [x]recognize that the kingdom of God is near. 32 Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all things take place.
“This generation” – is the generation that sees this budding of the fig tree: “this generation will not pass away until all things take place.” The prophesy says: the folks who were alive and witnessed the news of the birth of Israel will not die before the end times prophesies happen. Many of those witnesses are still alive. It’s happening.
Mankind waited 1878 years for the budding.
Israel is that budding fig tree, and it languished as a “non-nation” ever since it was totally wiped-out by the Romans in 70 AD. It finally, miraculously, became a nation in 1948. They waited 1,878 years. (1948-70AD = 1878 years of waiting!)
During those 1,878 years this prophecy was not understood. But here we are in 2022, having seen the rebirth of Israel in 1948 — and we can now see for ourselves (v30) the fulfillment of that prophecy.
30 as soon as they put forth leaves, you see for yourselves and know that summer is now near. 31 So you too, when you see these things happening, [a]recognize that the kingdom of God is near.
A generation is 70-80 years.
Jesus said “”this generation will not pass away until….” The fig tree budded in 1948. A generation is 70-80 years. That takes us to 2028 as the limit for when “all things take place“. Go back 7 years… and that would mean that 2021 was the beginning of the Great Tribulation. Things are heating-up!
This interpretation is based on Luke 21:
verse 32…this generation will not pass away until all things take place.
All interpretation is subject to error – not the Scripture, but the interpretation. Of course. “We see in a mirror dimly….” So we put our faith in God, not in our interpretations. He knows.
1 Corinthians 13 verse 12:
12 For now [in this time of imperfection] we see in a mirror dimly [a blurred reflection, a riddle, an enigma], but then [when the time of perfection comes we will see reality] face to face. Now I know in part [just in fragments], but then I will know fully, just as I have been fully known [by God].
Fear not
The message of Christ to all His followers is – fear not.
“See that you are not frightened…” (verse 6)
[Fear not]
“the intolerable anguish
the time of unprecedented trouble”
– Matthew 24 verse 8
“…the specifics of our eternal inheritance enable us to put the chaos that surrounds us into a biblical prophetic framework that both calms and encourages our hearts. It’s the details of our future life in paradise that redirect our attention to the joys ahead for us when all seems lost.”
– Source: The Triumph of the Redeemed, by Jonathan C. Brentner.
Jesus truly is all that we need to get by, 2 and much much more than merely “get by”. We are overcomers!
“put the chaos
that surrounds us
into a biblical
prophetic framework”
– John 16:33 Amplified
“Do not be overcome
and conquered by evil,
but overcome evil
with good.”
– Romans 12:21
Why look into biblical prophecies?
Why we are understanding so many prophecies now
Fast popping time-release capsules of prophetic words
What will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?
Forecasting prophecies as they growl and thunder over yonder!
Matthew 24:Verses 32-36
We are pressured in every way, but not crushed
What a wild and woolly rollercoaster ride we are on
The Budding of the Fig Tree | Alf & Julie Saunders; 15th December, 2010
Figs: A Symbol Throughout Jewish History | Yoni Schwartzman of The Israel Bible
Figs: The Biblical King of Trees
The Fig Tree Sign and Israel’s Rebirth | June 2, 2017
Clarence Larkin :: Chapter 29. The Trees to Which Israel Is Compared In Scriptures | from Blue Letter Bible.
- Compare with the book, Song of Solomon, where The Church is the bride, the body of Christ. Marvin Gaye Lyrics from the song “You’re All I Need To Get By”.
You’re all I need to get by
Like the sweet morning dew, I took one look at you
And it was plain to see, you were my destiny
With arms open wide, I threw away my pride
I’ll sacrifice for you, dedicate my life to youI will go where you lead
Always there in time of need
And when I lose my will
You’ll be there to push me up the hill
There’s no, no looking back for us
We got love sure ‘nough, that’s enough
You’re all, you’re all I need to get by
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