False prophets are not all dressed weird, like in this pic, or like John the Baptist was dressed. Many look normal.
How much are “many”, when John says, “many false prophets and teachers have gone out into the world”? I’d say, “Many is more than we’d ever expect!” Count them if you wish. Here’s a list of some: Examples of false prophets.
You may be asking yourselves,
“How can we tell
if a prophet’s message
really comes from the Lord?”
–Deuteronomy 18:21
CEV Contemporary English Version
We should all be “testing the Spirits”
“Beloved, do not believe every spirit [speaking through a self-proclaimed prophet]; instead test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets and teachers have gone out into the world.”
– 1 John 4:1
False teachers reject the Old Testament. However Jesus Himself often quoted the Old Testament prophet, for instance in Luke 24:25,
and slow of heart to trust
and believe in everything
that the prophets have spoken!”
– Luke 24:25
Why listen to a false teacher?
Post New Apostolic Reformation Reflections |
The Christian Prophets Who Say Trump Is Coming Again | By Julia Duin | 02/18/2021. | From Politico. | *Names and some pictures of these “prophets” from a secular point of view.
The Protocols of Zion Through the Lens of the New Apostolic Reformation | Posted by Olivier Melnick on May 1, 2024
What God has going on with us here on this planet
God is not some mere figment (Google: figment – “a thing that someone believes to be real but that exists only in their imagination”). He is real. And He is awesome. Truly awesome.
Down through the ages people have allowed their thinking to be totally beguiled into believing God is something other than who He really is. Why follow something that is not real? Misguided men and women just “up and made” their own brands of religions. God is not in those religions.
Religions have sprung up all over – figment religions, following after perhaps well-meant ideas, but… only ideas, theories, and some really really strange fabrications. You’d have to be a stupid ass to follow some, while others are quite charming and …beguiling. Maybe you are in one today?
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