“I am against you”
Speaking to false prophets back in the day, the Lord God said,
“I am against you”.
– Ezekiel 13:8
Think about this:
Do you think anyone will be in Heaven to whom God said, “I am against you”?
If God is against you
If God is against you, why would He bring you to His Home Heaven? Will never happen, of course.
The Old Testament warnings are real. And they mean the same today — as in the days of long ago.
That puts the NAR type church folk at risk – the worst type of risk.
See: Will you be turned away by Jesus?
I’d get out of Dodgemeaning. Time to skedaddle, real quick.
Excerpt: from Why God is against me IF I claim my words are God’s own
* Heaven will not entertain even one person with whom God is against. Not a one! Obviously. He does not save those with whom He “is against”.
* Hell will be full of people that God is against. Think you are different because you are so “nice”?
* Who in Heaven (and much less on earth) will be so pompous, and arrogant, as to stand right in front of God’s very presence and say, “I have a word from God…”, and then merely speak their own words (as if God will agree, or He doesn’t know you are lying)?
Note: He is for all
who come to Him in repentance
with “sincerity and truth”
(Galatians 6:7-8; 1 Corinthians 5:8).
See: Whosoever:
Matthew 10:32; Matthew 10:33; Mark 8:34; Mark 8:35; James 4:4; Revelation 22:17
– Source: Why God is against me IF I claim my words are God’s own
“I am against you”:
Deuteronomy 6:15; Deuteronomy 31:27; Matthew 22:29; Ezekiel 13:8; Ezekiel 13:9; Ezekiel 13:20; Ezekiel 14:9-11;
“I am against you,” says the Lord God.
Matthew 22:29
“But Jesus replied to them, “You are all wrong because you know neither the Scriptures [which teach the resurrection] nor the power of God [for He is able to raise the dead].”
Recap of Matthew 22:29: “you know neither the Scriptures …nor the power of God”
Deuteronomy 6:15
“for the Lord your God who is among you is a [a]jealous (impassioned) God [demanding what is rightfully and uniquely His]—otherwise the anger of the Lord your God will be kindled and burn against you, and He will destroy you from the face of the earth.”
Recap of Deuteronomy 6:15: “a [a]jealous (impassioned) God [demanding what is rightfully and uniquely His]”
Deuteronomy 31:27
“For I know your rebellion and contention and your stubbornness; behold, while I am still alive with you today, you have been rebellious against the Lord; how much more, then, after my death?”
Recap of Deuteronomy 31:27: “For I know your rebellion and contention and your stubbornness….”
Ezekiel 13:8
8 Therefore, thus says the Lord God, “Because you have spoken empty and delusive words and have seen lies, therefore behold, I am against you,” says the Lord God.
Recap of Ezekiel 13:8: “I am against you, says the Lord God.”
“you have spoken empty and delusive words and have seen lies”
Ezekiel 13:9
9 “So My hand will be against the [counterfeit] prophets who see (make up) empty and delusive visions and who give lying prophecies. They will have no place in the [secret] council of My people, nor will they be recorded in the register of the house of Israel, nor will they enter into the land of Israel, that you may know [without any doubt] that I am the Lord God.
Recap of Ezekiel 13:9: “who see (make up) empty and delusive visions and who give lying prophecies.”
Ezekiel 14:9-11 “I will stretch out My hand against him….”
9 “But if the prophet [who speaks without My authority] is enticed to speak a word [of his own], it is I the Lord who have caused that prophet [to speak falsely to please the inquirer, thus allowing himself to be a party to the inquirer’s sin],
and I will stretch out My hand against him and destroy him from among My people Israel. 10 They [both] will bear the punishment of their wickedness; the sin of the [counterfeit] prophet will be the same as the sin of the [hypocritical] inquirer,
11 so that the house of Israel may no longer drift away from Me and no longer defile themselves with all their transgressions, but they will be My people, and I will be their God,”’ says the Lord God.”
Recap of Ezekiel 14:9-11: “I will stretch out My hand against him and destroy him“
The [counterfeit] prophet ” is the one…
[who speaks without My authority]“,
who “speak a word [of his own]”,
“speak falsely to please the inquirer, thus allowing himself to be a party to the inquirer’s sin”
God wants “His” to “no longer drift away from Me and no longer defile themselves with all their transgressions”
Ezekiel 13:20
20 Therefore, thus says the Lord God, “Behold, I am against your magic bands [and veils] by which you hunt [human] lives as birds and I will tear them from your arms; and I will let the lives you hunt go free, even those lives whom you hunt as birds.
Recap of Ezekiel 13:20: “I am against your magic bands [and veils]”
* “by which you hunt [human] lives as birds”
Pop Quiz:
To whom did God say “I am against you”?
Answer: See the article: “I am against you”
To whom did God say “I am against you”? Let’s look at those references.
Why God is against me IF I claim my words are God’s own
Entrance Granted Into the Eternal
About False Teaching (a series)
Search results for: false teachers
Following the Jesus who was not God
False Prophets: A Study in the Scriptures by Diane S. Dew
Jesus, the second man, is the Lord from Heaven
Needing something more than Jesus
They in fact have seen nothing
A glossary of new apostolic reformation terminology – Posted on April 29, 2020 by Rick Becker at his site, Famine In The Land.
Two NAR Organizations to Watch – from hollypivec.com; Holly Pivec
Post New Apostolic Reformation Reflections
The NAR – “A New ‘Reformation’ That Many Don’t Realize They’ve Joined
Our response to “Apostle” Randy Clark’s interview with Remnant Radio
Why listen to a false teacher?
There are no more apostles | |
What does the Gospel promise us? | |
More resources on deception | from Famine In The Land | By Rick Becker
False Assumptions – The Consequences of False Teachings
10 ways to identify false teachings
10 Ways False Teachers Ensnare People
Taken Captive By False Teachers & False Doctrines – 10 signs
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