PIC: India.1961.Courtesy-of-herbsarchive_et-kodak-67846457-0
Gurus do not belong in Christian churches. They are…
running contrary
to God and
His eternal plan
for humanity
– Source: Being Christian
Not Christian
Churches are not “Christian” if they are following mere traditions and special erring gurus (as Hindus do).
True Christians follow what Jesus taught… all the Bible. The sad truth is that many modern day churches of NAR persuasions still call themselves that. It’s a misnomer, and is part of the predicted falling away during the End Times.
See: | You are all wrong, Jesus said |
| Calling out false teachers |
Goats of Another Flock
They err, these “christian gurus” — just as badly as the Mormon guru Joseph Smith, the Christian Science folk, and the other misled flocks multiplied ad nauseam. 1
Today’s “christian” gurus also err — so visibly, that they reveal themselves as not of us, so profoundly into error that they are not the sheep of Jesus, but rather just more goats of another flock, not “the sheep of my pastures”, as Jesus taught. See: Jeremiah 23:1; John 10:23-30.
26 But you do not believe Me [so you do not trust and follow Me] because you are not My sheep. 27 The sheep that are My own hear My voice and listen to Me; I know them, and they follow Me. 28 And I give them eternal life, and they will never, ever [by any means] perish; and no one will ever snatch them out of My hand. – Verses 26-28 of John 10:23-30

Bethel false teacher gurus pictured: Feucht, Eric-Johnson, Bill-Johnson
They have left faith in the Word
You don’t get to Heaven by being a goat. You must be a sheep of His pastures. Goats, Jesus taught, are separated at Judgement Day (Matthew 25:32) – and will remain in “that other place“.
The base problem of “gurus in the church” is:
“But you do not believe Me [so you do not trust and follow Me] because you are not My sheep“ (verse 26).
Whereas faith in what God told us in the Bible is the rock bed of solid faith, these gurus have left faith in that Word of God, “do not believe” it, “do not trust” it, and do not “follow” it.
Jesus never established the office of “Guru” for His Church. If you’ve got them, it is very likely you are not of Jesus – you are of those Gurus. A bad place to be.
See: Matthew 7:23; Luke 13:27 And then I will declare to them publicly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me [you are banished from My presence], you who act wickedly [disregarding My commands].’
We are warned: they are not of us.
– Jeremiah 23:1
Are you of Jesus?
Or: Are you of Various Gurus? Where have they led you astray? Do you examine them and their teachings? Do you seek counsel outside the confines of your goat fold? Berean type believers will not attend apostate churches (Acts 17:10-12), at least not after they discover the false teachings.
The Way of the Day
For many church goers these days, like John and Jake, Scripture is not quite the ultimate authority over life and behavior – as it used to be. For many, what the Bible teaches is generally okay, but, when it comes to certain specificities, what it says, they reason, needs to be interpreted in the light of today’s enlightened realities.
– Source: Being Christian
Scripture not the ultimate authority? That is a crock (see Mir-Webster). A bunch of bunk, bunkum (see Mir-Webster – “a synonym for meaningless political claptrap and later for any kind of nonsense). Claptrap. Nonsense.
2 Corinthians 6:17
‘“So come out from among unbelievers and be separate,” says the Lord…’
Unverified claims of their founders
From the post What God asks of us in the Bible:
The Bible was given to us over the centuries – by God Himself. He has given us His message. We can know what God wants from us – by reading that message. Are you reading it?
“As a legitimate way to determine whether or not Christianity is religious truth, legal reasoning is of tremendous value. Christianity is the only religion in the world where its truth-claims can be tested by legal reasoning — that is, by evidences, especially eyewitness testimony.
All other religions require its followers to accept their tenets based on the unverified claims of their founders or documents.” – Source: Can Apologetics Go beyond Evidence for Christianity to “Proof” of Christianity? -by Dan Story; at ICR; May 13, 2020.
FOR MORE: Note – the links below take you away from this post.
The NAR – “A New ‘Reformation’ That Many Don’t Realize They’ve Joined
- Source: bereanresearch.org:
“Apostles” and “Prophets” and others intrenched in the NAR cult: (-Source: bereanresearch.org)
- Peter Wagner (Kingdom Now theology)
- Chuck Pierce
- Bob Jones
- Paul Cain
- Cindy Jacobs,
- Mike Bickle (International House of Prayer –IHOP)
- Rick Joyner
- Bill Johnson (Bethel Church, Redding CA)
- Todd Bentley
- Lou Engle
- Brian & Bobbie Houston (Hillsong Church)
- Becky Fischer
- Brian Simmons
- Steve Shultz (The Elijah List)
- Rod Parsley
John Kelly, Bill Haman, Dutch Sheets, John Eckhardt, Jim Laffoon, Jack Deere, Johnny Enlow, Barbara Yoder, Charles Kraft, Bob Beckett, Che Ahn, Naomi Dowdy, Mary Crum, Jack Hayford, John Arnott, Stacy Campbell, Patricia King, Phil Pringle, Yonggi Cho, Beni Johnson, Jen Johnson, Kris Vallotton, Carl Lentz, David Barton, Steven Strang, Robert Stern, Stephen Strader, George Otis, Ed Silvoso, Janet Porter, George Barna, Mary Glazier, Thomas Muthee, Tom Hess, Samuel Rodriguez, Eddie Smith, Lance Wallnau, Loren Cunningham, Bob Beckett, Os Hillman, Jacqueline del Rosario, Jill Griffith, Francis Oda, Graham Power, Francis Frangipagne, Wendy Alec, Amanda Wells, Katherine Ruonala, Lana Vawser, Kong Hee & Sun Ho, Theo Wolmarans, Jennifer LeClaire, Ben Fitzgerald, Shawn & Stacie Bolz, Michael Koulianos & Jessica Hinn Koulianos and many others.
Also: Jeff Jansen (Glory Rising: Walking in the Realm of Creative Miracles, Signs & Wonders), Bobby Connor (Eagles View Ministries), James Goll (Founder of Encounters Network and Prayer Storm), Sid Roth (Host: It’s Supernatural! TV), Bill Hamon, Jill Austin, Bob Neuman, Diane Bahler, Bill Burns, Rich Carey, James Ryle, Tommy Tenney, Bart Pierce, and many more.
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