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Whatever your religion, are you religious out of habit?
Are you living your religion “out of habit”? …kind of tuned-out, coasting, no attention to details, kind of willy-nilly with all you be – sort of like what Trump said about how Democrats vote:
“Former President Donald Trump, asked why he wasn’t polling well with certain groups, suggested it was because Democrats vote out of habit.” – Donald Trump | See article: Trump to Dr. Phil: Democrats Vote Out of Habit | Friday, 07 June 2024.
Are you polling well with Father, Son and Holy Spirit?
If you are not “polling well” with God, what’s up?
If your friends and family were polled about you — Would YOU be “polling well” with the question being:
Is [Your Name] sold-out to Jesus as Savior and Lord?
Slaves of what? …Romans 6:18-22
It’s one or the other:
18 And having been set free from sin,
you have become
the slaves of righteousness
[of conformity to God’s will and purpose].
Or: Have you
“presented your bodily members
as slaves to impurity and
to [moral] lawlessness“.
Would Father, Son and Holy Spirit approve of your current slavery? Are you a willing love-slave of God, or a sin slave, enslaved by all sorts of godless habits?
See: God Speaking
Your slavery…
To what are you a slave?
“slaves of righteousness” OR “slaves to impurity and to [moral] lawlessness”
If you are “slaves to impurity and to [moral] lawlessness”, you know that what happens then is: your slavery will be continually “leading to further lawlessness” (Romans 6:18-22). You will tend to be kind of willy-nilly with all you be.
If we are born again, then every day, through-out the day, we are highly intent upon God’s approval rating of us. You concerned?
Each of us is soon to meet-up with Jesus. And I, for one, want Him to find me at that meet-up down the road — being one of His willing slaves of righteousness, sold-out to Him. How ’bout you?
Are You Ready, Steady and Able?
Each of us is soon to meet-up with Jesus. Are you into habits that please Him, or …not? We do not please God “to get God” – but if we have God, then we aim to please Him. What is your habit?
“Sin dwells in hell
and holiness in heaven.
Remember that
every temptation
is from the devil,
to make you like himself.”
—Richard Baxter
Deceiving the Christian
“How is Satan similarly seeking to deceive Christians today?
He tempts us to sin and then wants us to blame ourselves for being tempted. He temps us to pride so that if we resist him, we’ll be proud of our humility. He brings persecution against us, hoping that we will then consider ourselves morally superior to those who persecute us rather than loving and praying for them as Jesus taught us (Matthew 5:44–47).” – Jim Denison, PhD
How much is Heaven worth to you?
Being 100% given-over to Jesus
Defeating temptation before it becomes sin | August 25, 2020 |- Jim Denison, PhD | denisonforum.org
Romans 12:2
“And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you].”
Job 22:21
“Now yield and submit yourself to Him [agree with God and be conformed to His will] and be at peace; In this way [you will prosper and great] good will come to you.
Psalm 119:9-12
9 How can a young man keep his way pure?
By keeping watch [on himself] according to Your word [conforming his life to Your precepts].
10 With all my heart I have sought You, [inquiring of You and longing for You];
Do not let me wander from Your commandments [neither through ignorance nor by willful disobedience].
11 Your word I have treasured and stored in my heart,
That I may not sin against You.
12 Blessed and reverently praised are You, O Lord;
Teach me Your statutes.
Consequences of Supporting Evil
Voting while set on God’s will, His values and His purposes
We don’t get into a Holy Kingdom by being sinful
About staying true & faithful to Jesus
Practicing sin, not following Christ
Could it be true that today only 6% of “Christians” are truly born again?
Being wise in a very unwise world during these End Times
Are You Ready, Steady and Able?
Claiming a sin as – God’s will for you
Is yours a sound doctrine that Jesus will approve?
Approach God with a true and sincere heart
18 And having been set free from sin, you have become the slaves of righteousness [of conformity to God’s will and purpose].
19 I am speaking in [familiar] human terms because of your natural limitations [your spiritual immaturity]. For just as you presented your bodily members as slaves to impurity and to [moral] lawlessness, leading to further lawlessness, so now offer your members [your abilities, your talents] as slaves to righteousness, leading to [a]sanctification [that is, being set apart for God’s purpose].
20 When you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness [you had no desire to conform to God’s will]. 21 So what benefit did you get at that time from the things of which you are now ashamed? [None!] For the outcome of those things is death! 22 But now since you have been set free from sin and have become [willing] slaves to God, you have your benefit, resulting in sanctification [being made holy and set apart for God’s purpose], and the outcome [of this] is eternal life.
“Now I beseech you, brethren,
mark them which cause divisions
and offences
contrary to the doctrine
which ye have learned;
and avoid them.”
– Romans 16:17
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