When we get saved, our old life “dies”, and our new life becomes “brand new“. Our life is not “healed”, not merely “changed”. It’s made new by God.
Get a life!
We actually get a LIFE! This new life will take us to Jesus. We get a brand new life. Jesus then says of us:
“I will love him and reveal Myself to him [I will make Myself real to him].”
“The person who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who [really] loves Me; and whoever [really] loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and reveal Myself to him [I will make Myself real to him].” – John 14:21
I like this Amplified version phrase: “I will make Myself real to him“. Through the Holy Spirit – Jesus will reveal Himself and make Himself “real”.
I live with confidence
That is why we can live with confidence. God’s got our back.
God only becomes “real” to us, deep within our inner self, when we really get saved and His Spirit makes Himself real to us. In that moment in time when we choose Him, and as we continually grow in our faith, God becomes “real” to us as never before.
The truly saved
A caveat to this matter of truly being saved is here in this verse, John 14:21. He-she is the person who follows-through on their faith (James 2:14-26):
- has My commandments
- keeps My commandments
Jesus saved me. What about you?
God’s grace teaches us to reject sin. Are you willing to give it up? God is asking you to repent.
Don’t count on your present life to take you anywhere you want to go after death. “You must be born again”, Jesus said (John 3). And then your new life in Christ will take you where you want to be. Good choice.
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