PIC: Johanna and Randolph Michaelsen – Ministry
Interesting news about a small middle-America conservative church. See FoxNews A non-member traveled there to oppose their statement of faith. So much for tolerating others!
Why purposely go to a church you do not attend, a church which you do not agree with whatsoever — in order to oppose their statement of faith? Talk about “out of place”.
So this church, (a non-profit organization called a “church”), expands on its declaration of faith and announces a congregational meeting to affirm the declaration. Why would an outsider attend it?
Every organization has it’s official governing bylaws. That is what defines it. It is so out-of-place for anyone from “outside” to try to influence what that group states in their own bylaws.
A Baptist church is part of the Christian faith, and some are, more narrowly – part of what many term “evangelical“. They govern their body of believers by their statement of faith. So they wanted to affirm biblical “marriage”.
See: Is Jesus’ worldview your worldview?
“If your heart follows to the beat of
a different drum
than what the band of Jesus marches to;
if how you see the world
is not how Jesus see’s the world;
if you are FOR
what Jesus is AGAINST…
where is your belief in Jesus?”
Biblical marriage… is between a man and a woman
This has been the belief of Christians since time immemorial. MirWebster Only recently has our society dramatically ceased to follow that belief. Many have rejected that belief, and that is “their choice”.
So, “local media …caught wind” of this church and their faith statement – and thought it was newsworthy?
This church in Florida (news published February 1, 2023) exerted “their choice” – clarifying it’s own faith statement. They were simply confirming marriage is between a man and a woman. And they want their members to be in agreement 100%. Nothing momentous there.
Nothing wrong with a biblical pledge. That’s their choice. You can do that in your church also.
“Their choice”
About being a Christian… biblically
In America any church has the right to be in their little corner of the world with their own beliefs (as long as they are not insurrectionist or a terrorist threat to others). It is amazing to me that now a First Baptist Church faces backlash on ‘biblical sexuality’ pledge for congregants.
What what what? In our free thinking, so-called “tolerant society” — we still have rude woke folk crashing a church meeting? The news claimed, “Backlash grew against the statement.” Some “made the decision to stop attending this church….”
But, it’s not their church. They are not members. They are not even Christians. They are not even seekers seeking truth.
The FoxNews report did not report how the members responded. Curious. What kind of fair journalism does not share both sides?
“These days it seems so few know what the Bible really says about being a Christian. Many think it does not matter what you think. They say: Follow whatever you prefer. Just call yourself Christian, and try to “be a little more Christian” every day….”
– Source: Be a little more Christian
I’d rather they were just busting our chops MirWebster. But no, they are evil rebeller rabble-rousers MirWebster seeking to infringe on the religious rights of Christian folk.
Rebeller rabble-rousers seek to infringe on the religious rights of Christian folk. You okay with that?
First Baptist Church faces backlash on ‘biblical sexuality’ pledge for congregants
What does it mean to be an Evangelical Christian? How is it different from other labels of Christianity? | from compellingtruth.org
Being an “evangelical” in today’s wild and wooly ungodly culture
Being tested to know for sure your faithfulness to God
Think about it. Have you strayed from the Truth?
Take a Stance on Homosexuality – like Jesus did
Is yours a sound doctrine that Jesus will approve?
Transgenderism as seen from the Bible
Worldviews and the battle for meaning
Lausanne apologizes for speaker’s comments on Israel, dispensational eschatology. Speaker said: Far too many Evangelicals acritically ‘stand with Israel’ | By Melissa Barnhart, Managing Editor |
Is Jesus’ worldview your worldview?
The Evils of End Time Evil Players
The progressive nature of evilness
Fearfully evil, dark things are here
Can you really see what is going on in the world?
Are Christians to remain hog-tied and silent in the face of evil?
The Dems of today are The New Left
Voting is what every Christian is responsible to do
Voting while set on God’s will, His values and His purposes
The Chutzpah of Wannabe Christians
Will you be turned away by Jesus?
Seduced Evangelicals | HOW ‘THE SHACK’ SEDUCED EVANGELICALS | by WorldNetDaily | Posted: June 16, 2010 at http://www.wnd.com/. Commentary on Paul Young and his book, The Shack, from WND, with quotes from the author of the book: Burning Down ‘The Shack’: How the ‘Christian’ bestseller is deceiving millions, by James B. DeYoung (Paperback – June 1, 2010).
Voting is what every Christian is responsible to do
Being an “evangelical” in today’s wild and wooly ungodly culture
What does it mean to be an Evangelical Christian? How is it different from other labels of Christianity? | from compellingtruth.org
The Dems of today are The New Left
Tolerating others and being biblical
If we do not think like God Almighty thinks
Being tested to know for sure your faithfulness to God
Consequences of supporting evil
Evangelicals aren’t taking cues from high-profile critics | | Post Date: November 8, 2024 | wng.org | “no one cares—and nor should they—what the commentariat thinks about evangelicalism anymore.” “high-profile evangelicals“
What does it mean to be an Evangelical Christian? How is it different from other labels of Christianity? | from compellingtruth.org
Are you one of the 18 percenters?
Being an “evangelical” in today’s wild and wooly ungodly culture
Can Evangelical Journalists Say Anything Good about Evangelicals? | By Andrew T. Walker | |
Satan’s progressively degenerate agendas
Are you “contrary” – not conforming to the Gospel?
As if your mindset is protected by God
Where is your belief in Jesus?
If your heart follows to the beat of
a different drum
than what the band of Jesus marches to;
if how you see the world
is not how Jesus see’s the world;
if you are FOR
what Jesus is AGAINST…
where is your belief in Jesus?
– Source: Is Jesus’ worldview your worldview?
“They remove their hearts far from Me”:
Matthew 15:8; Mark 7:6; Isaiah 29:13; Hebrews 4:12
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