When you keep on blindly walking directly down the road as always, you have missed the crossroad God provided for you. Will you choose to Turn from – Turn to…Jeus? Choose wisely. Decide to follow Jesus.
Letting It Reign Until Hell Is Home
If I were to let sin reign in my body, then — what a mess. But I don’t let it. I am not “these things”. I am strong in Him. Only in Him.
We are the odd creature, are we not?
A good habit for me in the mornings is to discuss “me” with God. It’s a cleansing thing from Psalm 139:23-24. Odd how some can go all their life with “whatever” and never strain-out the gnats.
Keeping sin AND getting God’s Holiness also
Be careful as you approach God. You might be doing evil – and not know it (Ecclesiastes 5:1). Do you legitimize your favorite sin as approved by God? Legit sins. What a deal that would be! Live anyway you want, but… just try to be very loving. God is so loving He’s sure to accept us, right?
As if your mindset is protected by God
PIC: Chicago1Ray.twitter Are you living as if your mindset is protected by God? Convinced of it? Is your thinking following God’s Think? Think again – might save you an eternity of regret. A worldview that conflicts with His You may have played in church since a toddler, but that does not translate into God accepting […]
Will you be turned away by Jesus?
I am so very, very concerned for you. Have you ever considered the possibility that YOU yourself will be turned-away by Jesus when you meet Him? Will Jesus say to you, “One thing you lack”, or, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me…’?
Seeking and Pursuing Death
How are you “doing” your life? It’s only one life. Got anything going for the next one… just beyond the veil?
I’m not what he says I am
I am what God says I am. God says I am a brand new creature — in Christ. I am not the sum total of all my sins. Why?
Puny humans
Quotes about mere puny mud-men and women of clay – us.
Limited Thinking
So, you are thinking? That’s a good thing! And those thoughts are – what? They are your thoughts? Have you been able to get past your own thinking – and think with God and His expressed thoughts? What experience do you have in the universe, to be a foundation for your thoughts – by you, yourself? On what do you build your thoughts? Is it only from you and others like you? Do you live your own way?
Pick a Sin – Any Sin
Scripture mentions “the sin which so easily entangles us” (Hebrews 12:verse 1). What is yours? I do not want to be like drunk people, like a dog, like a pig… Isaiah 19:14; Proverbs 26:11; 2 Peter 2:22. How about you?
God Damned “Believers”
Almighty God has provided a very specific justice system to clear our name and our well-deserved verdict of “Guilty”. He has deemed that through a genuine faith in Jesus Christ – the sacrifice of His Son can make us worthy. Is your faith genuinely in the genuine Jesus? Have you been declared “worthy”, or are you still “guilty” before The Creator?