We find this in Joshua 24:15 – “Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve.” Are you choosing your practices by what God has told us in the Bible?
Double-minded means both loving Jesus AND loving a different gospel
Have you become “double-minded”? Doesn’t take much. Just add another mind.
Replace simplistic rhetoric with compassion
A natural tendency is to wax and wane. Over time we can begin to be insensitive to others, and rationalize away our failures. We may be averse to honest self evaluation. We may redefine our “sin” and behavior – and negate the fact that we have actually changed.
The sins around us and the sins we do
The world flaunts its enjoyment of sin. Many a life is being shipwrecked by the practice of sin. Here is a list of what is what with God.
Is yours a sound doctrine that Jesus will approve?
Have you examined your beliefs lately — confirmed the factual accuracy of your beliefs when compared to the Bible? Are you truly biblical? Jesus knows. Do you?
Ways to lose it with God
Living and leaving God behind? That is easy. Try something a little more challenging: Live to please God Almighty – in everything you do! Now that is a worthy challenge. And the prize at the end is more than adequate for your focus.
Are you “contrary” – not conforming to the Gospel?
You do not have to stay on God’s Sin List… contrary, unholy, practicing sin. God wants us all to repent. Ready to repent?
God’s Sin List
We all have a sin problem. Some have dealt with it with God. Others have dealt with it by their own thinking and rationalizations. What have you done with your sin problem?