Is God warning you about being outside the faith which Jesus Himself shared with His disciples? The faith you receive must not come from those who are “out”. Peter said true salvation is only through “a faith of the same kind as ours” (2 Peter 1:1).
Our defining affirmation of salvation is also here in 1 John
What God does to each of us when we are born again? That is what saves us – what He does to us. But He does not save the “cracked heart”, the one who holds-back anything. Did God save you, or have you deviated into what He is against?
Caught-up with a practice God has said not to practice?
We find this in Joshua 24:15 – “Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve.” Are you choosing your practices by what God has told us in the Bible?
Those who like it but don’t live it
God wants us all to be saved. But He requires we back up our talk with our walk. Are you a posing as Christian? Got the Chutzpah of a Wannabe? Are you living for Jesus, or for …something else?
Being tested to know for sure your faithfulness to God
It is a pass or fail test – what God uses on us. Where are you at with Him?
What clearly saves and what obviously does not save
Getting into Heaven requires that Jesus, the Gatekeeper, opens the door. Have you made the proper arrangements with Him to get in?
Why God rejects anyone
God rejected all of us – way, way back in time. Every single one of us is disqualified to enter His Holy Kingdom. Why would God reject anyone? Why doesn’t God just simply declare this? “I accept everyone.”
God’s List of Unacceptables
What is acceptable to God according to the Bible? What is unacceptable? God shows us His list of what is not acceptable to Him because God loves all sinners and wants each of us to get forgiven and be made ready for His Holy Home Heaven.
Got a Cracked Heart?
Was your “decision” for Christ way long ago made with a “cracked heart”. Have you examined yourself lately? -2 Corinthians 13:5
Will you be turned away by Jesus?
I am so very, very concerned for you. Have you ever considered the possibility that YOU yourself will be turned-away by Jesus when you meet Him? Will Jesus say to you, “One thing you lack”, or, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me…’?
This Hope we have – and what this hope does
If we genuinely have this hope within us, we will be actively cooperating with the Spirit of God to become purified. You that?
Good Fruit
Jesus taught that He is the Vine. And we are to be on that Vine – producing fruit. He explains that it is of upmost importance that we “abide” or remain in Him. Where are you “abiding”?
Bad Fruit
Even so, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the unhealthy tree bears bad fruit.Matthew 7:17
Pick a Sin – Any Sin
Scripture mentions “the sin which so easily entangles us” (Hebrews 12:verse 1). What is yours? I do not want to be like drunk people, like a dog, like a pig… Isaiah 19:14; Proverbs 26:11; 2 Peter 2:22. How about you?
What We Are To Be
All in one passage, Romans 12, Paul presents a thorough explanation of what God is expecting of those who want to be a true Christian. The message of James is the same: we’ve got to back-up our talk with our walk.
Examine Yourselves
The Bible exhorts us to periodically examine our self and make sure we are in the faith. Don’t get caught standing before God Himself and discover there that you are NOT His follower!
Be a little more Christian
It seems so few know what the Bible really says about “being a Christian”. A Christian is not a name you yourself can define however you want. There is no meaning at all if anything can be whatever you want it to be. Funny one should call himself “Christian”, but say it does not matter what you believe! How rational is that? Do you know how the Bible defines “Christian”?
God Damned “Believers”
Almighty God has provided a very specific justice system to clear our name and our well-deserved verdict of “Guilty”. He has deemed that through a genuine faith in Jesus Christ – the sacrifice of His Son can make us worthy. Is your faith genuinely in the genuine Jesus? Have you been declared “worthy”, or are you still “guilty” before The Creator?