What really truly is necessary for you to be saved? Jesus gave us His parameters. There are limits to His grace. Don’t get shut-out because of them. His mercy is huge, so today – all on earth still have a choice to make. The day of “it’s too late” is just around the corner!
What saves you
What really truly is necessary for you to be saved? Jesus gave us His parameters. There are limits to His grace. Don’t get shut-out because of them. His mercy is huge, so today – all on earth still have a choice to make. The day of “it’s too late” is just around the corner!
Turn shame into repentance
God does not overlook and excuse sin. However, Jesus dealt with the sins of others in a much more merciful manner than we tend to do with our self, “our” sins – and the sins of others. Are you “biblical” with sin and shame?
The Chutzpah of Wannabe Christians
Is your brain noggin talkin’ biblically? God does not overlook and excuse our sins. Never has. Never will. He forgives – or – he condemns. However, Jesus dealt with the sins of others in a much more merciful manner than we tend to do with our self and our sins – and the sins of others. When it comes to “sin”: Is your brain noggin talkin’ biblically, or …how?
Ashamed of Yourself?
Have you ever done something you are ashamed of? God does not overlook and excuse sin (Romans 1: verse 18). Never has. Never will. However, Jesus dealt with the sins of others in a much more merciful manner than we tend to do with our self and our sins – and the sins of others. Is your brain noggin talkin’ negative or positive? Biblical or what?