Voting while a wild and wooly culture is banging at the door. Don’t let them in to rob and kill. Don’t be fooled again! We are losing our blessed country.
Abortion blessings?
Why do so many forget about giving civil rights to children in the womb? They are just as human as you are, as I am.
Seeking and Pursuing Death
How are you “doing” your life? It’s only one life. Got anything going for the next one… just beyond the veil?
Biblical Rights for Children
Children, even the unborn ones – have a right to live. You think?
Abortion is not biblical
Those who profess faith in Jesus while at the same time are supporting abortion, have a problem. Why? Because the Bible, honestly interpreted, does not. They contradict Jesus.
Acting with your heart, soul, strength, and with your mind
Is your life lived while set on God’s will, His values and His purposes? Or do you just “let it be” and live as it happens?
Are you under – A Deluding Influence?
“God [b is sending] will send upon them [c an activity of error] a deluding influence….” – 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 In these perplexing, wild, and topsy-turvy 2020 days, a beginning decade, I believe we are seeing about 48%, almost 1/2, of the USA peoples living as dead men walking (“the body is […]
Who Do You Believe?
The World – or – God Your Way – or – God’s Way (A) Belief in God’s creation – versus – (B) Belief in Common worldviews 1. Creation The World: God did not create me. God does not have a plan for my life. So I can create myself my own way. God: God did create […]
Me, When I Die, Forgiven
Do you know what will stand in the Court of God in His Holy Kingdom? What will not? God shows us in the Bible – what’s what. What we think, well, how can that count for much in His infinite knowledge?