Do you plan to take your hate, your ways, your views – to Heaven? Have you thought that through? How would that play-out, exactly?
A world-wide trap is being sprung soon
Jesus predicted that a world-wide trap is going to trounce on the whole world unexpectedly. We are in that predicted time now! But He said He will rescue His followers from that trouncing (Revelation 3:10-11). You ready?
Ever grasped that feeling of being wrong with Jesus?
To be wrong with Jesus is the worst. You can’t be in a worse position with God. It matters. You will never be happy in that state. So think about it.
Issues in the public square affect our life and our faith
Issues found in the public square affect our life and our faith. Do you know what they are? What would Jesus say? I think He is saying, “…let us not love [merely in theory]… but in action and in truth…” (1 John 3:18).
Double-minded means both loving Jesus AND loving a different gospel
Have you become “double-minded”? Doesn’t take much. Just add another mind.
Ways to lose it with God
Living and leaving God behind? That is easy. Try something a little more challenging: Live to please God Almighty – in everything you do! Now that is a worthy challenge. And the prize at the end is more than adequate for your focus.