His will inserted history
and words for all to read and know
When with willing heart I read His words
I know and understand Him more and more
In power He will guide His ageless plan ahead
yet lovingly He’s active in this speck of life called me
He’s forming me to be and be and be all for Him alone
Virgins, Talents, and Judgement
Do you know that grace and mercy were legalized in Heaven, made specifically for us? His amazing grace and mercy give us forgiveness — forever. Wow!
A God Damn
Have you ever tried to grasp the deep intensity of God’s feelings against your sin? Do you know how much He hates sin?
Withholding Obedience
Have you received Jesus as your Savior… in the New Testament sense of the word? Or did you just say to Him something like, “Yea, well, okay Jesus”?
God’s System of Justice
Let’s look at the real God and His very real system of justice. Let’s look at this from within what His book tells us. These are the parts of God’s system:
How Much Is Enough?
What about you and God? What is “enough” – for Jesus to approve of you? Approve of your repentance? Approve of your life? What is enough for Christ to actually save you? It is one thing “to wish” for and really really want God’s offer of salvation, but quite another thing to really, actually… deny, take up, and follow.
You are My friends
Are you walking dead, or have you been made alive in Christ? Jesus said, “You are My friends if you do what I command you.” John 15:14 You are My friends if you do what I command you. In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations The context of verses (verses 7-17) around that statement […]
Following Someone
Are you ready to meet your Maker? Have you considered the possibility that someday God might reject you? Do you truly “follow” Him?
Only God Himself
Only God Himself is real. All other gods are a sham – not able to save you from your sins.
Examine Yourselves
The Bible exhorts us to periodically examine our self and make sure we are in the faith. Don’t get caught standing before God Himself and discover there that you are NOT His follower!
Why Believe Such Stupididiotic Things?!
People around you say all kinds of stupididiotic things about God. Have you put your faith in THAT?
IF You Follow Me
Scripture says IF we follow Christ, then we are worthy of Him. The very real reverse implication is – if we are NOT following Him in our daily living… then we are not worthy to stand in His presence on That Day. Scary thought.
Me, When I Die, still in sin
What difference does it make – who I am when I die? An eternal difference!
Oh what a day that will be!
Wow! To enter into the Kingdom of God – freely as His redeemed child. No cringing in shame, no shaking knees, sweating in fear, no burden of sinfulness before a Holy God. I can only imagine.
Being Christian
What’s it like these days to be a Christian? Really a Christian. For many, what the Bible teaches is generally okay, but, when it comes to certain specificities, what it says, they reason, needs to be interpreted in the light of today’s enlightened realities.But — will that work in – The End – when we stand before Him, physically? Stop and think about that Day.
Does saying a “sinners prayer” save one from going to hell?
Does saying a “sinners prayer” save one from going to hell? A lot of people think it does! Why wouldn’t it save you?
God Damned “Believers”
Almighty God has provided a very specific justice system to clear our name and our well-deserved verdict of “Guilty”. He has deemed that through a genuine faith in Jesus Christ – the sacrifice of His Son can make us worthy. Is your faith genuinely in the genuine Jesus? Have you been declared “worthy”, or are you still “guilty” before The Creator?