This article explores how greetings are done in many different churches all around the world. Greetings really do vary from place to place. It is interesting to see how the handshake and hug are used internationally. From this study it was also learned that greetings are very, very important. Something so simple as a greeting can affect both your mind and your emotions.
Sin Defined
Sin is an awful thing. The word for sin in the Greek is Harmatia and means “to miss the mark”. It was taken from a military expression of trying to hit the bull’s eye but missing it. Because it is so powerful, we can become a slave to it (John 8:34). It will control us (Romans 5:12). Sin can be defined as something that is contrary to God’s nature and character. It is his opposite.
The Justice of God
The justice of God is seen throughout the Bible. And it all points to Jesus.
Look at the Life of Jesus
It is interesting when we look at the life of Jesus. We learn several things about Him: He was God. Isaiah 9:6; John 1:1; Revelation 1:8; 22:13, 16; John 8:58. He was the Creator of the Universe. John 1:3, 10; Colossians 1:16; 1 Corinthians 8:6; Hebrews 1:2. He became a man. John 1:14. But He […]
9 Reasons Against Divorce
Divorce can be one of the most traumatic experiences a person can ever encounter. Whether married three years or 50 years, most people are unprepared for the consequences of divorce. Most States now allow both No-Fault and Fault-Based Divorces. (1)…… Each culture around the world has its own values. But there are repercussions to these values […]
Mary, Jesus’ Mother
So here is a young girl who is suppose to be a virgin (prophesy – Isaiah 7:14), pregnant and not married yet (Mat. 1:18). And she knows that the baby she is carrying is God – Mt. 1:23. But she also knows, for being pregnant, that everyone including her family, friends, and the town all think she has slept with someone making her an adulterer and according to the Mosaic law, she should be stoned to death (Ex. 20:14). But she knows this isn’t true (Lk. 1:26-38).
Issues of Honor
.Ephesians 6:1-4 Both the Jewish and Greek-Roman writers agreed that children from the ages 1 to 13 needed to honor and obey their parents. To honor one’s parents was to not bring shame on them in a godly society (Deut. 21:18-21). To honor was very synonymous with obeying them. In Luke 2:41-52 we find the […]
Near Death
What is this obsession with tales people tell about their time while unconscious!? How come so much stock is placed on the word of comatose or near-death people!? I understand the interest in death and dying, but why do so many people immediately believe their tales as true?
Mormon Polygamy and God
The reason why the Mormons practiced polygamy in the first place was because of a belief that Joseph Smith had about God. It is known that Joseph Smith had 34 wives.
Useless and Worthless
We really aren’t “useless and worthless”. It certainly feels that way sometimes. But Jesus died for our sin and paid the price with His blood. And now we are worth more than we can even imagine!
A Light at the End of the Tunnel
When I was going to the University of California, I had to take a class in Calculus and it was a very interesting class but the teacher was Chinese and didn’t speak English too well. And the class for me was very hard, especially the final which consisted of 5 questions that you had to […]
When Life Just Doesn’t Seem Fair
Imagine in your mind that you are a young girl with the hopes of one day getting married, having children, and being part of a family that loves God and wants to serve others. And as you grow up you do everything right, or almost what you think is right (Romans 3:23). And you […]
Does saying a “sinners prayer” save one from going to hell?
Does saying a “sinners prayer” save one from going to hell? A lot of people think it does! Why wouldn’t it save you?
The Sermons of Charles G. Finney
Clik here: The topics included that you can clik on are regarding: God Jesus Christ Holy Spirit Faith in God Holiness Sanctification Prayer The Wicked The True and False …
Miracles God has done in my life
PIC: Alan, Dennis, Peter The study of Joshua 3:1-17 to 4:1-7 talks about the crossing of the Jordan river. Joshua wanted the 12 tribes of Israel to be recognized and so the Israelis built an altar of 12 stones as a monument to them. And each time someone saw those 12 stones they would be […]
Punishment and Reward
There are punishment and rewards because God is just (Deuteronomy 32:4), and what we sow we do reap (Galatians 6:7-8). But that does not mean that there does not exist another side to suffering. Jesus suffered death so that we could have eternal life (John 6:47, 50; Titus 1:2; 1 John 5:11).
God is not the same as His Laws
A blog on the internet states, “The laws that govern the Universe must exist before the Universe, therefore…” But who said the laws that govern the universe must exist before the universe? If there was no universe, why would there need to be laws to govern it? To state this, one would have to say […]
God is Just
I have the impression looking at some information that I see, read in newspapers, or hear on the radio that people in general do not take seriously the fact that God is furious, shows indignation, and is angry about sin. And it is interesting to me that people in general do not like the word […]
Is God Free?
[Editor’s note: The “salvation” of God is free…, but this article considers the nature of God.] Is God truly “free”? This topic has been discussed by many, and the conclusions have been either one way or the other. Conclusion of Some: God is no freer than a robot Some believe that God is no freer […]
God never changes. Never has. Never will.
The Bible teaches that God cannot change. This is taught in the following verses.
Is it possible for God to be free?
Source: Based on part of Is God Free? …regarding “Freedom” Is it possible for God to be free if He is perfect in everything he does (Genesis 1:21) and He is perfect (1 Peter 1:16)! Thomas Aquinas, an Italian Catholic Philosopher of 1225 to 1274 A.D., argued that the mind of God is immutable (it […]
God and Man have free will with which to make a choice
Choice is from God. He is a God of choice. He chose to create us. Then He chose to make it possible to forgive us. What choice will you make about God?
Should you forgive even though no confession is made?
Some say yes, that you should forgive those who do not ask forgiveness. Others say no, that the person should not be forgiven until they repent and then you can forgive them. Those that say you should forgive an unrepentant person use verses like Colossians 3:13 that say, “Bear with each other and forgive whatever […]
Personal Effectiveness
How to be “an effectual doer” (as in James 1:21-27). How to be effective personally.
Da Vinci Code Rebuttal
By LAURIE GOODSTEIN Fearing that the best-selling novel “The Da Vinci Code” may be sowing doubt about basic Christian beliefs, a host of Christian churches, clergy members and Bible scholars are rushing to rebut it. In 13 months, readers have bought more than six million copies of the book, a historical thriller that claims Christianity […]
Good Reads
Christ’s Spectacular Millennium [Paperback] Denny Bolen (Author) Publication Date: April 13, 2012 Book Description. This is an exploration of the soon-coming 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Ever wonder about the Millennium? You probably saw it mentioned a few times in the Book of Revelation. Just enough information […]
Children’s Bible in a Nutshell
A quick overview of the Bible (tongue-in-cheek). A child was told to write a book report on the entire Bible.
Inexplicable Joy
Heaven is a joyful place. That is hard for me to imagine… Everywhere I look around me, I see so many problems, issues and unresolved conflicts. But in heaven, they won’t exist anymore. There will only be joy because my sins have been paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ. One of the main things that describes being in heaven is JOY. The word “joy” has a much deeper meaning than just happiness. To be happy can change so quickly. It can come and go in a moment. But joy…
Christian Answers Regarding Islam
Muhammad, or Jesus the Messiah? Which is the One sent by Father God? We’ve got to get this right, or else miss the true Savior of sinners. Read more here….
Bentley – News on Todd Bentley
The charismatic movement has been troubled by unbiblical practices and teachings. I am amazed at how folks are so easily mislead. “Many have exchanged the truth for a lie and chosen experience over content.” Look and examine and see, and compare with what the Bible teaches.