Jesus said, “It is not for you to know the times or epochs which the Father has fixed by His own authority.” The Bible is not an interactive future-telling calendar for us to know the dates of what is going to happen in The End times. I wish! What we do have from God is “signs” of the times, warnings, major events coming ’round the corner, so to speak. Jesus offered signs so we would know what’s coming.
Prophecies in the Bible: A Perfect Track Record
The Bible has a “perfect prophetic track record”. Of course you will need to read the record to see for yourself! I challenge you. God planned the details of today’s events, all the way through, and that is exactly how it all is playing-out in today’s End Times. God is with us, so we need not fear what is coming.
“The first things” (our time now) of Revelation 21:4
We are still living in the period of time called “the first things” (Revelation 21:4). The mystery of what God wants for us – has been made known to us in the Bible. Are you following His will? In the midst of all the uncertainties of living these days, our trust must always be placed in God’s Hands. There is no better option.
Predicting Christ
What will you do with Jesus? He was predicted before His birth! He fulfilled over 360 prophecies – proving He was the Messiah. His birth, life, death and resurrection are incontrovertible.
God of the Ages
History shows us that God has plans for us. Through recorded history, and through the Bible records, we can clearly see what has happened in the past. There is no need to conjecture or guess about what is factually-based in history (although some will). The records left by real people in ancient times, be it secular or biblical, give us reliable evidence of what actually occurred.