Are you “saved”? This is more than important: Reconsider your life. Get it together. Get truly saved …because nothing less is acceptable to Jesus.
The Nature of Biblical Speculation
Do you follow good hermeneutical principles when reading the Bible — in order to have solid biblical truth to follow? Or are you speculating frequently as to what Scripture might be communicating to us?
Why look into biblical prophecies?
About believing with confidence, “with a sense of longing and eager expectancy” in the midst of a world going mad.
God’s Think
I think. You think. We all think. But, what does God think? Thinking is necessary. But what if your “think” is not God’s “think”? Then your “think” will end so very badly when you reach That Day of Judgement, quivering before God in the realization that it is His Think that rules the heavens, not yours. Read about God’s “think”. What you think – matters. How you act it out – matters more. It will seal your eternity – with Him, or without Him.
Discernment When Interpreting
T. A. McMahon wrote: The critical issue for discernment is not “how it works” but “what is being communicated.” We have to be vigilant to always see the full counsel of God’s Word (Acts 17:10-11) so that we don’t get on some false rabbit trail.