Every once in a while, I must confirm why Jesus will accept me. I love to ask others: Why will Jesus accept you into His Holy Kingdom? What’s your answer to that?
Transgenderism as seen from the Bible
What is Transgenderism? What is Transgenderism – as seen from the Bible?
God Is My Refuge and Strength
In the midst of it all, I remind myself that I am born again. I am following Him. Each day I will acknowledge His presence in my life. I will daily live in the knowledge of what God has changed me into. The Lord has promised good to me.
The Entrance Into The Eternal
Ever wonder what it will be like to arrive at The Entrance into the Eternal, to actually be standing in front of the very entrance? All who are born again will joyfully enter with gratefulness, and will be received with great joyfulness. You coming?