The two doctrines are true: He chooses us (1 Peter 2:9), and we have a choice to make: “Whosoever will may come”. Have you chosen Him for yourself? Only God is Good. Choose to make that “eternal divide” permanent – for goodness sake.
Those who like it but don’t live it
God wants us all to be saved. But He requires we back up our talk with our walk. Are you a posing as Christian? Got the Chutzpah of a Wannabe? Are you living for Jesus, or for …something else?
Imagine what “being saved” has meant to you
There was a point in my life where I was lost for eternity. I am amazed what salvation has meant to me. What about you?
Sorry I offend you by sharing my faith in Jesus
Religion only offends if it threatens physical harm or restrains your free speech. Do you not have beliefs also, like I have my faith in Jesus?
Holy Father, Lord of All
Sitting here before you Lord, my Holy Father, Lord of All, I’m so aware that I’m not holy.
Fake faith gets you nowhere you want to be
If the core of your being rejects parts and pieces of what Christ taught, then you have a fake faith – with no salvation. Think about that.
My Checkoff List
Do you test yourself to confirm you are going the right way, doing what you committed to when accepting Christ? Are you seeing “good fruit”? This Checkoff List can help examine your life.
My Happy
I can always find something to make me unhappy. Never failed me yet – this unhappy thing. As they say, “If it’s not one thing, it’s another.” It can always make me unhappy.
If I Were a Jew
If I were a Jew, I’d really want to investigate the claims of Jesus! *He claimed to be sent from Father God. *He Himself claimed to be the Messiah. *He claimed to be the Christ, the long awaited Messiah who was to come to save and fulfill all Jewish faith. *He has the proper lineage […]
The Life of Keith
What is your life all about? What drives you? What makes you what you are, today? The life of Keith (this man clicking-out these words) is “a born again life”, wholly committed to following Jesus. My goal each day: to be more and more like Christ my God. Not an overnight process. I am not the brightest bulb in the room!
Can Jesus Forgive You?
Tomorrow may never come for you. Are you ready for that? Are you too far gone for God to care? Jesus showed that He cares. Jesus saves sinners. He saved me. You can come to Him.
Jesus Saved Me
Because I have been born-again, transformed into a new creation, I am not a mere human, but rather — a brand new type of creation of God. I hope you also have been born again, re-created by God. You can be if you respond to God. It’s not too late… till it’s too late.
Historical Evidences
Credible evidences are why I believe in Jesus, and follow Him instead of other gods. How about you? Have you done your research?