Could it be that only 6% of “Christians” today are actually born again? If we, in our mind and in our conduct, cannot accept the totality of what Jesus taught, then how genuinely can we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior? Something went wrong! And thus… the 6%. Startling!
When a person accepts Christ as Savior and Lord, a transformation journey begins. We start “un-becoming” (un-doing) what we were before Christ — and little by little “conforming” to Jesus. Our previous conforming to the world “pre-Christ” starts getting un-done as we begin our journey with Christ. Has that been your experience?
Life’s most urgent question. Really.
What decides and settles your MOST URGENT question? I think Jesus answered life’s most urgent question in John 3.
The Book of Life
Do you know what is the most important book ever written? I’ll give you a hint: It is not the Bible!