Preterism is a false claim by self-inspired teachers, a total falsehood (as warned about in Ezekiel 13:1-9). Preterists teach that Christ already came in 7oAD, that we need not be looking for a Rapture now, nor a Second Coming. What preterists teach — is misleading, but an easily denounced interpretation. See: 2 Thessalonians 2 verses 1-3.
The Antichrist is soon to be revealed to us
Jan Markell, for many years now, has been keeping tabs on End Times events. She sees. She knows. She’s done the research. From her observations, it is quite striking how prophetic events have accelerated so much since 2010. Jan Markell gives very interesting details. Things are heating up! I say: Get ready for the Rapture. It’s a’comin’ round the corner. Are you ready this moment to kneel in person, before your Savior?