The Bible contrasts the two sides of eternity: Heaven and Hell. It is extremely advisable to examine our “eternal preparedness”. Are you prepared? Make sure you have correctly interpreted God in His Word. If you have not, there will be Hell to pay. Nobody can accept His salvation – and reject His Words.
Being saved means forever never again condemned
The very clearly delineated message of salvation from Jesus Himself, the Gatekeeper to Heaven, is: “deny himself…”, express “a willingness to endure whatever may come”, and “follow Me” – which means “believing in Me, conforming to My example in living”. It’s free. It’s simple. But it will cost you.
Jesus saves and Jesus condemns
Are you “saved”? This is more than important: Reconsider your life. Get it together. Get truly saved …because nothing less is acceptable to Jesus.
Claiming a sin as – God’s will for you
Nowadays we have way too many professing “Christians” who are confusing compassion and love for others with God’s marvelous grace. Many are now exchanging His grace for inclusivity. They claim that God will accept certain sinners – in their sin – because they are exceptionally loving and kind. Is that biblical? Will God accept you because you are exceptionally loving?
Why God is against me IF I claim my words are God’s own
IF I claim my own words are God’s own words, I am looking for the approval of the church. But God is not impressed. In fact, He says “I am against you….” He knows He did not say that Himself! Are you into that?
I run to win! Christ did. Do you?
What is due to Jesus, because of what He has done for you? He died for you, for me, for all sinners alike. So – what should be our response to Him?
Limited Grace
Salvation in Christ is not a willy-nilly “free for all” gift bin. The Gospel of Christ is not a “come one, come all” offer by God. No. You must be born again.
How Much Is Enough?
What about you and God? What is “enough” – for Jesus to approve of you? Approve of your repentance? Approve of your life? What is enough for Christ to actually save you? It is one thing “to wish” for and really really want God’s offer of salvation, but quite another thing to really, actually… deny, take up, and follow.