Our “old self” is being continually corrupted “through deceitful desires”. So where do you find healing for your soul? What do you want to have accomplished with your soul – by the time you reach your final destination?
Racism is an evil to personally resist
Obvious to all except the racist, is the truth that racism is evil. Too many are willing to tolerate evil these days. Racism is chock full of it….
Accepting Jesus – Plus Some Other
Do you acknowledge the dissidence between your “want-a-be” and your whatch-ya-be? The truth is you can’t have it both ways. Salvation in Christ is what it is. God has shared His Way with us. It is not “whatever you make it to be”. Salvation is not something you make up for your own convenience. Are you saved by God? Or are you hoping your own way will be good enough?
What Jesus Taught
Do you know Jesus and what He taught? It is important to know in order to actually follow Him with all your heart. It is too easy to contradict Him… and begin to be against Him. Where are you at?