When you keep on blindly walking directly down the road as always, you have missed the crossroad God provided for you. Will you choose to Turn from – Turn to…Jeus? Choose wisely. Decide to follow Jesus.
Will you be turned away by Jesus?
I am so very, very concerned for you. Have you ever considered the possibility that YOU yourself will be turned-away by Jesus when you meet Him? Will Jesus say to you, “One thing you lack”, or, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me…’?
What is necessary to be saved
Folks! You can NOT fake it with God. He knows your heart. Faking = Still lost. You can talk like/smell like/pray like/look like/act like/dress like/preach like/give money like/claim church membership like/go to church like… but if your heart is not genuinely His, “with all your heart…”, then you are not saved. You are a God damned “believer”. ‘You must be born again.’
What Jesus Taught
Do you know Jesus and what He taught? It is important to know in order to actually follow Him with all your heart. It is too easy to contradict Him… and begin to be against Him. Where are you at?