It cost God to make us His children of privilege. Jesus made this privilege possible for all who come to Him – not just to some, but to all peoples. Some do reject Him (Hebrews 4:6). Their choice. It is a choice, to receive Him or not. Have you accepted salvation in Christ?
Endurance with your faith
“Your life is a journey you must travel with a deep consciousness of God.” (1 Peter 1:18-21) To be a “Christian” requires endurance. I want to finish well. How about you?
Developing Character
It is great to look back on my life, examine myself, and see the progress I have made in developing my ” self “. I can see my character develop over the years. So glad it has! The good is increasing. Yes!! (2 Peter 1: verse 8) And the bad is on the decline (Hebrews […]