What is “your” God like? Have you engaged in thinking with Jesus? Are you a dyed-in-the-wool, uncompromising atheist, or are you an inquisitive soul? Apostle Paul was engaged in conversation by atheists about his “strange deities”. What is your impression of “dyed-in-Christ” biblical preachers?
Getting to Heaven is not a religious thing
I am frightened by the standard set by God for entrance into His Kingdom. “Few there be that find it….” It is no small thing to be forgiven by God, accepted by God, made a child of God, to finally become a member of God’s family. Salvation by Almighty God is done by Him as we give Him our all. If we do not respond by a life given-over completely to Him, then we are fooling ourselves. We are still damned all to Hell.
What God Wants
Have you given any thought as to what God wants? What does God want from you? We are each unique creatures birthed into flesh by God. Life happens to us in seemingly capricious episodes of contrasting good and evil. Is your faith a true faith, a saving faith characterized by giving Jesus your love with “all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength”? That is what God wants. Don’t deny Jesus by your deeds.