“This is a fight we’re in”, walking this planet. Jesus said real terrors are in the wind. Christians will be snatched away in an event called the Rapture. Turn to Jesus before you are left behind. Remember we told you beforehand.
The Overcoming Faith of Christ Followers
A faith that overcomes the daily faith challenges of life – is only possible because God made us brand new inside. Have you been made brand new – in Jesus?
That moment of death
There is a place
where turning back’s a choice no longer
Hell is waiting but Jesus calls
What will it be for you?
Say you Heaven or say you Hell
1 John 3:1-3
As children of God, born again into His Kingdom — we have this hope in Jesus, and so then we keep purifying ourselves for Him. We repent of sin, to be holy, undefiled, guiltless… by His forever forgiveness.
Now is the acceptable time
Have you ever sensed that God is calling you to repent and follow Him? Now is that time. There is everything to be gained, and everything to lose. Don’t wait.
Forgiveness for evil deeds done
Time and tide are relentless. So are the many relentless Old Testament prophecies happening right now – but not in the way most thought they would be fulfilled. Are you ready for “the end” that Jesus spoke of? Take Jesus’ Challenge.
Waiting may get you beheaded – sooner than you think
It’s all set now: The One World Religion is official and you are invited. Just leave Jesus outside their door, as they never mentioned Him.
“The first things” (our time now) of Revelation 21:4
We are still living in the period of time called “the first things” (Revelation 21:4). The mystery of what God wants for us – has been made known to us in the Bible. Are you following His will? In the midst of all the uncertainties of living these days, our trust must always be placed in God’s Hands. There is no better option.
About Sin
Key truths about sin as taught in the Bible. What is sin, and what is God’s stance about it?
About Time
What happens after “the first things have passed away”, after the time of the end of the age? I am eagerly waiting for what is said in Revelations 21:4 when…”the first things have passed away.”
Time as it really is
The time it takes to go from earth to God’s presence – is faster than instant. There is no waiting around in the next dimension for earth time to finish, no midway point of gathering, no Purgatory. It will be an instantaneous experience for all mankind that ever lived. At the moment of death, our soul instantly leaves…
My best day here
“Now” is good – so immediate… so absorbing. Demands so much attention. I practice being here – now. That’s good. Heaven is so…”later”, so not-pressing, so very “out of sight – out of mind”, so abstract. I am here now, but I want to be more aware of where I am going when I die. Where are you going when you die?
It’s Time
Time, by God, is totally different from time as experienced by man on earth. Time will be no more — in heaven. Heaven will be a Timeless Infinite Continuum.
The Power of Now
Have you staked everything solely on the word of Jesus? That is what it takes to live for Jesus.
Forgiveness By God
Anyone at anytime with sincerity and truth – can find forgiveness in Jesus for anything. The key word there? Sincerity. God sees the thoughts and intents of our heart. No foolin’ with God.