What “floats your boat”? The preponderant evidence points to Jesus as God. How on earth does one deny Jesus? Well, it’s clear in the Bible what that is. Unbeliefism. Where are you at with this?
Jesus saves and Jesus condemns
Are you “saved”? This is more than important: Reconsider your life. Get it together. Get truly saved …because nothing less is acceptable to Jesus.
“Those who are people of faith”
Do you claim to be “a person of faith”? There are many types out there! What faith do you claim as yours? Is your faith type following Jesus and what He taught? Is it truly yours? What makes you think that your type of “faith” is acceptable by Jesus? It’s certainly worth testing it. Eternally worth it!
You cannot lose what God keeps secured for us
Saving faith in Jesus has the most secure promise of God than enything in the universe! Turn to Him in repentance… and start a never ending journey through eternity with the One and Only God. He loved us to the nth degree, and He promises “I give them eternal life, and they will never, ever [by any means] perish; and no one will ever snatch them out of My hand” (John 10:28).
What being “saved” means
Getting “saved” by Jesus, is 100% a thing of the heart. If your life doesn’t follow your confession, then you did not get saved. Simple. Tragic for many, many who live in error.
How do I get to Heaven?
So you want to go to Heaven. Jesus promised Heaven for those who follow Him. He does not include anyone else in His promise. Other religions make promises they can never keep. Do you want to entrust your eternity into the hands of puny humans? Only Jesus saves.
The reality for us now
The reality for us now is “Christ has in fact been raised from the dead”. The mystery of the Gospel has been revealed – and fulfilled by the Messiah
Small gods, and our great big beautiful God
Is your “god” too small? Does “he” leave you fearful about your eternity? What kind of god have you chosen? Were you ever truly born again – back when you supposedly “accepted Christ”?
My Sparkling Clean Soul
A “soul” is invisible, of course, so nobody can actually “see” one. But the Bible tells me we all have one. My soul is inside my insides, deep within my being. That is where I run my life, sort of my command center. And I “see” my soul sparkly clean when I confess my sins and Jesus washes me thoroughly.
Biblical Commentary About Daily News (1)
So sad, that (in some churches) 30% of those around you in church — are not going to heaven. We cannot assume our fellow attendees believe the truth that God came to earth as a man. And THAT is an integral part of the Gospel of Jesus. In fact, many pastors outright teach false doctrines like this from the pulpit, saying “Jesus isn’t God”. Unbelievable! Why worship Jesus, if He is a mere puny man? His death on the cross would then mean nothing.
One thing you lack
Jesus is inviting you to come into His Kingdom. Forever! Imagine how exotic and opulent – His Place? Is that exciting – or what!? I’m looking for that! Have you visited Jesus, like the rich young ruler, and blindly held-on to your ways in the midst of all your religiosities? It is a fearful thing to consider being rejected by a damning God. How far would you go to NOT be God-damned?
Re-starting life
Ever felt that “impending doom” when your computer suddenly got a black screen!? Ever call on The Computer Guy to reset? I remember those days. Turning to God is like re-starting. It’s like punching “Reset”. Immediately what’s “current” disappears, and I start over brand new, with no pending doom. Turning to God is – accepting […]
My best day here
“Now” is good – so immediate… so absorbing. Demands so much attention. I practice being here – now. That’s good. Heaven is so…”later”, so not-pressing, so very “out of sight – out of mind”, so abstract. I am here now, but I want to be more aware of where I am going when I die. Where are you going when you die?