God does not save the unlucky person, even by His marvelous grace, who does not follow Him in obedience. You don’t just waltz in, say “Okay God. Looks good”, then walk out and do your own thing. The Godman Jesus said “Follow Me”. The concept of getting saved without then obeying and following Jesus is not in the Bible.
Did Jesus not love you enough?
What kind of God comes to earth to die? Why did He do that!? He died for you! (John 3:16) Is that not enough love for you to accept Him?
Think about it. Have you strayed from the truth?
The “godly truth” You got it? The truth that is godly? It takes a lot of careful thinking to keep safe the “godly truth entrusted to” us who follow Jesus. 1 Timothy 6:20-21 The Apostle Paul tells us we must constantly be discerning, like a judge with a gavel, passing judgement right and left — […]
Reckless Faith
Neo-orthodoxy denies the essential objective basis of truth — the absolute truth and authority of Scripture. Is this your type of “christianity”? It is actually a pseudo-Christianity.