IF God saves us, can He unsave us? Can anything unsave us? How powerful is this forgiving God? What kind of salvation does He provide for us?
The Overcoming Faith of Christ Followers
A faith that overcomes the daily faith challenges of life – is only possible because God made us brand new inside. Have you been made brand new – in Jesus?
Staying Alive
The faithful have a faith that is staying alive day by day. Through all our struggles, we keep our eyes on Jesus, saying yes to Him and saying no to sin – following Him by faith.
When I reconcile with God everything changes!
When I reconcile with God, everything changes. Count the ways….
What God Did for Man
Have you ever wondered how it all got started – the universe, the earth, nature, animals, you and your “like”, mankind? Any belief system has to start with: the start. What is it!? What happened to get all-that-is …into existence? The most logical explanation is that a very creative entity started it all. Think about it.