Every breathing moment is a new moment to choose to be loving to others – or not. I do not have to be what I was in the past. I don’t have to be what I was this morning! I can choose to confess and repent — and be loving now. I’m developing habits of love!
Personal rules of practice
How to be more righteous – that is the Christian’s goal: To not let anything lead you into sin. To not become enslaved by sin. What have you set-up to guide you more into righteousness?
Living Daily with gentleness and respect
So what’s it going to be today? Anger, sadness, loneliness, depression, despair? Or will you be “full-up”… filled up with “hope and confident assurance” (1 Peter 3:15)?
Fearing God with awe-filled reverence
For those of us who have a heart 100% given-over to Jesus – it is natural to “fear” God, in the sense of: we have a heart full of “awe-filled reverence”. How we speak to others should be filled with respect and awe of God. You seeing that in you?
Issues of Honor
.Ephesians 6:1-4 Both the Jewish and Greek-Roman writers agreed that children from the ages 1 to 13 needed to honor and obey their parents. To honor one’s parents was to not bring shame on them in a godly society (Deut. 21:18-21). To honor was very synonymous with obeying them. In Luke 2:41-52 we find the […]