What “floats your boat”? The preponderant evidence points to Jesus as God. How on earth does one deny Jesus? Well, it’s clear in the Bible what that is. Unbeliefism. Where are you at with this?
Quick Quiz – What are we to do habitually…according to Jesus?
Doing anything habitually is quite a challenge. We must really truly want to! What are we to do “habitually” – according to Jesus?
The Finger of God
There is no human now, nor in all of history, who could rightfully claim to be God. Well… except for The One, Jesus. Jesus claimed to BE God Jesus was both man and God. He was the only Godman. Don’t believe the false teachers who claim to be a god. Jesus claimed to be God […]
Why the tears, Paul?
What if you are wrong about following Jesus faithfully? What if Jesus is against what you practice in your faith?
As dead as a doornail
We will never ever be “as dead as a doornail”. You’ve heard the expression?
The Great Water Down of Jesus’ Message to us all
Watering down the message of Jesus leaves one with no salvation at all. Is your faith the real thing – straight from Jesus through Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Paul? Anything less will not get you through the Pearly Gates.
What man can live and not see death? – Psalm 89:48
“What man can live and not see death?” (Psalm 89:48) Death is quite the non-respecter of peoples. We die. That’s it, for earth time. Done. Finito. But there is One who has had victory over death.
Biggest prophecy of all time
What was the biggest prophecy of all time? Think about it. It is so very clear to see.