When you keep on blindly walking directly down the road as always, you have missed the crossroad God provided for you. Will you choose to Turn from – Turn to…Jeus? Choose wisely. Decide to follow Jesus.
Put down sinners… with compassion and love?
We are all so sinful. Incomplete. But there are many today who say sin is irrelevant. They say they are not sinning. How odd. Sinning is so common. I sin. You sin. What’s with this?
Sin is not the issue in salvation
Salvation in Christ is not essentially about sin. God does not save you because you throw away your sin, or because you are able to stop sinning. Salvation is about your yielding to Him in repentance. Big difference.
Consequences of Supporting Evil
Supporting evil actually has one consequence before God. Can you guess what it is?
The world of illusion of some churchgoers
“If we refuse to admit that we are sinners, then we live in a world of illusion and truth becomes a stranger to us. – 1 John 1:9-10 Wrongdoing If we are actually honest about it, we each must admit that we struggle with our own wrongdoing. If we’re honest. It is that “wrongdoing” that […]
God wants us all to be saved
We are natural born sinners on a road away from God. You can stay on it, and end up far, far away. But God wants all to be saved. John 3:16.
Up and out of the miry clay
I thank God every day that He brought me up, out of the miry clay. I am sure as Hell that you have seen the miry clay, the sins. Have you, sure as Heaven, experienced the mind-bending, clean-up, brand new making power of Jesus – Creator God?
This is Salvation in Christ
It’s a very simple message from God, actually – what He expects of us. His message is to all of us — us sinful, willful, rebellious, self-centered creatures. God is asking you and me to repent.
My faith
“I assure you and most solemnly say to you, whoever does not receive and welcome the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all.” – Mark 10:15 Excerpt from: More Than Conquerors – In Christ My faith is in Jehovah God, Yahweh, the great “I AM,” the God of forgiveness and […]
Hell by God
…a series about Hell – which was created by God for the banishment of Lucifer.
More Than Conquerors – In Christ
What kind of faith are you experiencing as a follower of Jesus Christ? What is your daily experience? How can you become “more than conquerors?
My Heinous Heinous Ways
There is a tendency to think that – because I have sinned, therefore God does not like me, doesn’t want me, and, boy is He miffed at me! But that is not what the Bible teaches. That is not what Jesus practiced. So why are folks so condemning of people who fail!? At this time in God’s plan of the ages for us, God is not condemning sinners. THAT will come later! Currently God is trying to get our attention to get us to accept Him before it is too late!
Inexplicable Joy
Heaven is a joyful place. That is hard for me to imagine… Everywhere I look around me, I see so many problems, issues and unresolved conflicts. But in heaven, they won’t exist anymore. There will only be joy because my sins have been paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ. One of the main things that describes being in heaven is JOY. The word “joy” has a much deeper meaning than just happiness. To be happy can change so quickly. It can come and go in a moment. But joy…