Quotes about mere puny mud-men and women of clay – us.
Jesus Saved Me
Because I have been born-again, transformed into a new creation, I am not a mere human, but rather — a brand new type of creation of God. I hope you also have been born again, re-created by God. You can be if you respond to God. It’s not too late… till it’s too late.
Creation Is Important
The creation of the universe and all that is therein, was an act of love by an all-powerful God. And He died for you. Ready to meet Him?
The Damning God
These days everyone has their own idea of what life is and what we are doing here. We sing “what’s it all about?” Have you stopped, in the whirlwind of your life, to think about God? God has spoken to man – through the Bible. And He is the One that made it all happen. Doesn’t that sort of trump us all? Shouldn’t the Truths of God take precedence over whatever it is that we play around with in our minds? The damning God …and the forgiving God: One God. Have you been forgiven by God?